The problem is that this is the third time, yes THIRD, that they've attempted this system and it is clearly not going well. I have thoughts. It's a thread.
SM has been trying to make this "rotational boy group with endless members like morning musume or AkB48" thing work since Super Junior and they lack the infrastructure to make it work successfully (2)
On top of that, the Korean pop market isn't the right market for it and they're doing this with guys as opposed to girls (3)
In the 48 system, the girls go into it knowing their careers won't last forever, no matter how famous they get. (4)
I cannot imagine a male trainee at SM signing up to be part of a rotational boy group when the company is most famous for having VERY successful, LONG LASTING boy groups (5)
I mean the average age of an SM boy group, Nct included; is like 12-13 years old. (6)
Also endless members is a clear attempt to stave off SM's long-standing issues with members within their groups. Problem member? Just rotate him out and pretend he doesn't exsist. There are no members, just the brand. (7)
(it's telling that the only Group SM didn't fuck with is SHINee) (8)
Also NCTzens have a right to be upset over the idea of MORE members when SM can't even promote the TWENTY ONE they have properly. So many missed opportunities (but it's SM, what else is new here?) (9)
Also adding more members presents an entirely new set of problems: fans won't be able to keep up with who is who and who is in what unit. (10)
My bestie is into AkB48 and she explained to me that the group now has so many members in the main group and subunits and spinoffs that fans can't keep track anymore (11)
Only the most hardcore of the hardcore can and that's not who you want to solely depend on for future success, especially in Kpop. It'll work for a while but new fans will be too intimidated to get into the group. (12)
That last bit is ALREADY the case, btw. There are a lot of people who won't get into NCT at all because there are TOO MANY MEMBERS and y'all want to make it WORSE?! (13)
SM can barely handle the groups they have as it is and I cannot see this ending well if they keep making NCT bigger and bigger and bigger. (14)
TLDR: NcTzens have a right to be upset at the concept of the group because it's being handled poorly and they just want the best for their boys (end thread)
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