In honor of Trump's Twitter EO and the president's incendiary tweets here are docs I obtained via #FOIA from various govt agencies reacting to Trump's tweets.

Let's start with the Federal Reserve Board

Here's a redacted email from CIA in response to Trump's tweet about China-North Korea

Here's an email from former head of NSA Mike Rogers advising personnel not to get into a "tit for tat" over Trump's tweet

Here's an email from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reacting to Trump's tweet about job numbers before it was announced

Here's another email from NSA dating way back to 2017 when Trump was still president elect responding to Trump's tweet about the Steele Dossier

Here's emails from FBI reacting to Trump's tweet about getting involved in a Judicial Watch #FOIA lawsuit (which makes this tweet so meta)

Here's an email from former DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen alerting John Kelly Trump tweeted a compliment about him

Here's an email between DOJ public affairs officials trying to figure out how to respond to the media about Trump's tweet regarding Ivanka and Nordstrom

Here's an email from ODNI that just notes the agency collects "Trump Intel Tweets"

An email FBI sent personnel saying Trump nominated Chris Wray director via tweet

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