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Murder by proxy. This is the cost of electing Barack Obama. "They couldn't kill him, so they're killing us." Spine chills when I heard a black Trump supporter utter those words in 2016. Obamas got glitter. Niggas got bullets & knees 2 the neck.
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Comprehending this requires riding the train w/Booker T. Washington after his return from a 1901 White House visit w/President Teddy Roosevelt. Perhaps the curtains were closed to obscure the sight of strange fruit dangling from poles after crossing the Mason Dixon line.
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You see, good white folk never intended 4 a nigger 2 ever be invited to the White House & they damn sure didn't intend 4 no nigger 2 ever be sitting behind no desk in the oval office. The penalty 4 both transgressions was death. Welcome to the punishment for the latter.
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Just as lynching in the Deep South exploded as a result of Booker T.'s White House invite, modern day lynching at the hands of white police officers exploded as a result of Obama's election. Put simply Barack Obama's election increased the mortality rate of black people.
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Obama's election & Washington's invite had the same cumulative effect on black life: black death. The White House is symbolic of white power at its ultimate & in the minds of a lot of white people a black person there in any capacity other than servant is a bridge 2 far.
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So now we find ourselves in the midst of a vicious white backlash to another black man entering the White House. Death is all around us. No hope in sight. Black people gunned down in their homes. Check. White vigilantes gunning down black people in the street. Check.
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White cops choking black people out on the street. Check. White women siccing police on black people. Check. White cops gunning down black children on playgrounds. Check. White cops gunning down black veterans. Check. White cops gunning down black folks shopping. Check.
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White people gunning down black children at gas stations. Check. White people calling police on black people in coffee shops, grocery stores, jogging, walking, riding bikes, pumping gas, entering banks and selling water. Check, check, check, check, check, check & check.
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Riddle me this white people. Just how much racial terror do U think black people can take? How many match tosses before the powderkeg explodes? I can assure you the cost for unchecked racial terror will be more than 40 acres & a mule. White Jesus wont save you this time.
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Church membership is down exponentially & religion is losing its grip on the collective black psyche. Religion is fast becoming a losing proposition for many black people in the face of unemployment, poverty and death. Hope is dead and that's bad news for white people.
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Religion has an anesthetizing effect on the oppressed. Religion is 2 the oppressor what the backhand is 2 the pimp. Bitch get in line. Religion programs blacks n2 foregoing any reward here on Earth w/ the promise of reward in an afterlife. Caution. That ruse is falling.
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Hope, forgiveness, love & White Jesus is what made white supremacy pop. It also distracted blacks from the long term effects of racial trauma. Religion can no longer sustain black people & the only way any of it could ever make sense is if we conceded that God is white.
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And if black people were to ever make that concession, I will be first on the front lines of the black army that marches to Mount Olympus to put the final dagger into the heart of White Supremacy once & for all. Yes, Zeus must die, but the death of Gods is no easy task.
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We're entering uncharted territory w/ this Pandemic & hope has evaporated. If America isn't careful, its going to force black people into a Palestinian mindset. For when U take away any group of people's reason to live, U simultaneously install in them a reason to die.
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The last thing white folks need is 4 black folks 2 start memorizing poems like Claude McKay's "If We Must Die" or start visiting places like Igbo landing in GA where in 1803, a slave brigade slaughtered their white captors & walked calmly into the ocean in mass suicide.
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The last thing white folks need is 4 black folks to recount da real "Queen & Slim" Margaret & Robert Garner who as fugitive slaves, barricaded themselves in a hail of gunfire by white officers & took a butcher knife to her 2 yr old daughter to set her free from slavery.
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The last thing white folks need is 4 percolating thoughts of pregnant black mother Mary Turner being hang upside down by her ankles in 1918, doused w/gasoline, set on fire, stomach sliced open, w/her baby falling 2 the ground & white people stomping her newborn 2 death
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The last thing white folks need is for black people letting their minds travel to that dirt road where Recy Taylor was kidnapped & gang raped by six white Army soldiers in 1944 while walking home from church while her husband and newborn infant waited at home in terror.
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The last thing white folks need is 4 black folks 2 bring 2 the forefront of their minds the lynching marathon that took place from the fall of Reconstruction thru Jim Crow where a black person was lynched every other day in the Deep South when strange fruit blossomed.
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White people don't need black folks recounting the lifeless black bodies of Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Renisha McBride, Mitrice Richardson, Sean Bell, Jonathan Ferrell, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Jonathan Crawford, Sandra Bland, Jordan Davis, Alton Sterling,....
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Philando Castille, Eric Garner, Markeis McGlockton, Botham Jean, Breonna Taylor, Kendrec McDade, Oscar Grant, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd & countless others. Jump back. The last thing white folks need is 4 black folks 2 reopen Emmett Till's casket. Too much rage inside.
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Enter Dr. King's last words. "In the human rights revolution, if something isn't done and done in a hurry, to bring the colored peoples of the world out of their long years of poverty, their long years of hurt & neglect, the whole world is doomed." Strange fruit ripens.
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What Dr. King is pointing 2 is unbridled rage or in his words, "the fire that no water can put out." A 400-yr old rage that's reaching a fever pitch. Hence my previous riddle or the unanswerable question to white folk: just how much racial terror can black people take?
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If we keep going in this direction, America will soon find out. Minneapolis is burning and We Shall Overcome Negroes can't save us. Meanwhile the Obamas are globetrotting with white billionaires not comprehending how their entering the White House set all this off.
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By electing Obama we disturbed a very powerful symbol of white supremacy. Murder by proxy ensued & black bodies piled up. Throw in a pandemic, all hell breaks lose & strange fruit ripens. The only solution to it all is building a time machine to undo the 2008 election.
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