THREAD: My Investigation into the Suspicious death of Lori Klausitis.

Juanita Marie Bergmann and her husband, Andreas Bergmann had an 8am appointment. Where was Joe? Police never interviewed him. Why was that? Why did his Washington office reply when Joe was calling local Tv?
Its confirmed by the police report they had a meeting at 8am. So where was Joe? like I said, police never interview Joe.
2. Police Chief says she shows no signs of Trauma. Thats a lie. In the Police and Autopsy reports it states clearly reason for death was a closed fracture from blunt force trauma.
She had MULTIPLE fractures to her head and face. Its not even up for debate, the head injury is what killed her.
Her skull was fractured from right temple, to her left temple along the coronal suture.
Diastatic fracture
1. Separation of cranial bones at a suture.
2. Fracture with marked separation of bone fragments.
Deep scalp hemorrhage left and right sides of her head.
She had left and right subdural hematomas. Subdural hematomas are usually caused by severe head injuries.
Egg shell (comminuted) fractures of the center right anterior Fossa.

"Anterior cranial fossa fractures, particularly comminuted and oblique frontobasal fractures, are commonly associated with CSF leak, either acute or delayed in presentation" I explain the CSF next.
That explains why the nurse that found her thought she had a seizure and why she had Foam and blood in her mouth. CSF - Cerebrospinal fluid. Leak caused by the breaking of the base of her skull causing the fluid around he brain to train into her airway.
Doc is being pretty specific here what this is NOT.
Doc goes hard into a lot of theories and interviews. Ill summerize all you need to know in his words.

Autopsy "Autopsy Cannot identify CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA"
Listen to the doc contradict himself at least four times here about. his "floppy mitral valve", its a heart murmur. Follow the link, Ill let you make up your own mind on which catagory she falls into.

Hint* Marathon runner.
According to Anna Dobbins, a producer at WEAR-TV, Joe was on the phone with the local ABC affiliate in Pensacola within three hours of the discovery of the body, and before the family was notified, to say that "a young woman had died in his office...
#psychojoe knew about her death before her mother in law? Mom heard from her son and rushed to the police station. According to police they did not tell anyone else.

Its 1245 when mom finds out. Joes already called three News stations.
A 5'6" 140lb womans head fell 2' hit her head on a desk at 3', while limp, and... fractured 7" of her skull. I like the doctors "baseball bat" theory. Photos not released for a reason
Addendum, #PsychoJoe charged his flight out of Florida on the day of the murder on his congressional record!
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