The terms Woman/Man are biological descriptors. They're NEUTRAL terms that describe the developmental pathway that one's body has taken. We have similar neutral terms that we use for male/female animals:


These terms DESCRIBE. The do not PRESCRIBE.
However, although these terms DESCRIBE biological function, we live in a culture which does PRESCRIBE gender roles onto sex bodies. Feminists have historically taken issue with these projections of gender roles. We have called this a gender hierarchy and we want to abolish it.
When gender non conforming males REJECT the "word" MAN, it is because they are actually ACCEPTING the ideology of gender prescriptions that are projected onto that term, and it is these prescriptions they are rejecting.
Again, by only rejecting the WORD, and not rejecting GENDER PRESCRIPTIONS themselves, they are actually accepting the ideology that gender roles exist. They are rejecting the gender role MAN in favor of the gender role WOMAN. But this action accepts that these words are roles.
So instead of rejecting ALL PRESCRIPTIONS projected onto sex bodies as false and harmful, they accept that the prescriptions are true and thus trade one set of prescriptions for the other. They take up the prescriptions projected onto the word WOMAN, thus validating gender roles.
This action only reinforces gender prescriptions projected onto sex bodies. It reinforces a narrow hierarchy of gender. It trades one box for another, the MAN BOX, for the WOMAN BOX.

But heads up, women don't like our box either! We're trying to smash it.
Once a GNC MALE starts promoting the idea that there is a way to

act like
dress like
behave like
look like

A WOMAN this in itself is adding more bricks to the church of gender hierarchy. This reinforces women's gender prescriptions.
We need humans who are GNC to begin rejecting the idea that their are ROLES PRESCRIBED AND PROJECTED onto sex bodies. We need to SMASH these roles altogether and RECLAIM the neutral words for what they are.
The words MAN/WOMAN refer to bodies, to the sexual developmental pathway a body can take. These words describe a kind of organization one's body can have. These words are not ROLES. There is now way to "act, dress, behave, look like" these words because these words are FUNCTIONS.
In order to smash the gender hierarchy and abolish gender altogether we need to quit PRESCRIBING ROLES onto words that DESCRIBE FUNCTION.

In order to smash the MAN BOX/WOMAN BOX, we need to reclaim science and the neutral meaning of these words.
Woman/Man are just a way of saying female/male for the human species. These words are just functional. They are just as neutral as the terms


They refer to sexual function in the reproductive process.

That is all.
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