death is seriously under utilised as a tool in modern society https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/955009285439787008?s=20

i think one should think of themselves as already dead and living on borrowed time.

borrowed time = less time for bullshit
3. https://twitter.com/QuoteCULT/status/1258488688964767744?s=20
Life is long.
Death is longer.
we should build multi storey cemeteries
death is an ontological paradox
all animals are able to sense "death" as a force
death is the final orgasm in many sense there is a term for it:

le petit morte

keats also talked about this often in his love letters, two things he intertwined. death and love.
a crisis of faith or a mental breakdown that is akin to a death

humans can shed their psychological make up
one of the most fundamental questions pertains to death https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1265709875889410051?s=20
The first thing you should do when you wake up is think about death https://twitter.com/FORTUNATEGRIT/status/1266986919264751616?s=20
this. https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1251194859156897795?s=20
all the best societies romanticised death
With no death culture society remains forever in an adolescent state. Current society romanticises youth too much and neglects death. As such we take on characteristics of youth. Naïveté and ignorance.
The most you will feel alive is when you are closest to death.
Everyone should fake their own death atleast once.
Death can be incorporated In all rituals.
Just like we should adorn ourselves in beauty. We should also adorn ourselves amongst reminders of death.
the purpose of life is death.

the ultimate salvation.
if we get rid of natural death, humanity would find other means of self destruction. we are not psychologically made to live forever, it is against our programming.
It's not that you should live as if you shall die tomorrow. But mentally align your actions as if you will not regret or accept the regret.
You will be dead a lot longer than you will be alive.

Act accordingly.
There is little use in holding on to ghosts
Life is Short. Death is Certain. Eternity is Forever.
Peter 1:17-21
our time here is borrowed, as such we should seek to repay our debt of life, and even to further pass on the gift of life. We are branches of a larger vine, parts of a larger whole.

we should continue to cultivate our gardens and continue to plant our trees so we have shade
fasting reminds you of hunger.

hunger reminds you of mortality.
its not that we should fear death, we should fear being comforted to death.
what matters in life is action.

death is the final action.
being surrounded by death, grounds me. brings me closer to god.

through death there is ascension https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1005419756491563008?s=20
Life cannot exist without death.
"And the agony of death cometh in truth. (And it is said unto him): This is that which thou wast wont to shun."

- Quran 50:19
having the constant reminders of death, will refocus your mind. alot of psychological impairments is due to you being in a novel environment that you are maladapted for.

the industrial revolution and its consequence was mass medication https://twitter.com/GRITCULT/status/1319348581220995075?s=20
proximity to death brings us closer to life.
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