A lot of so called ''truthers'' pushing not only the whole narrative that the virus is totally real but on top of that, helping to support criminal pharmaceutical companies such as TEVA and Novartis by pushing the very toxic and even deadly drug, chloroquine, as 'legit treatment'
TEVA, an Israeli company has been of the biggest benefitors from this push for chloroquine. That is because they are one of the main manufacturers of this drug and since march, this year, the month this drug started to be pushed heavily by Trump and others. Their stocks went up
Who is the ultimate source for the spread of this idea that 'chloroquine' can be used as treatment against the hoax virus? The jew, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. He was the first one to claim that chloroquine along with azithromycin and zinc sulfate can successfully treat covid patients.
His unproven claims was quickly promoted by the media and spread like wildfire inside and outside of the U.S. Trump and other officials started to support and spread his claims. How did this supposed 'insignificant' jewish doctor manage to spread his claims so wide and far?
Zelenko is part of Chabad which connects him to Trump as Trump himself is controlled by Chabad. Trump has been one of the main big figures to push for choloquine as treatment, a claim first made by Zelenko, a Chabad doctor. After Trumps endorsement, the claim spread like wildfire
Chairman of the Board of Teva, Sol Barer, is connected to Chabad. He was one of the guests that attended Rabbinical College of America's National Founders Dinner. He praised the RCA which is a Chabad yeshiva where they teach hatred against all-non jews.
I've already made a thread back in march showing the dangers of chloroquine amongst other drugs that is and/or was used to treat ''covid-19'', all dangerous drugs, specially chloroquine ; https://twitter.com/Muhareb1/status/1244033316728307717?s=20
The combination of chloroquine along with azithromycin that the Chabad doctor was claiming was 'successfully treating his patients', is not a safe combination at all, as they both increase QT prolongation which can cause sudden death.
This combination is even more dangerous for the elderly as they usually have one or more of these risk factors that can increase the effect of the QT prolongation caused by these drugs together which increases the risk of death.
Once again, we see a common trend. Jewish supremacists making tons of shekels from selling poison to the 'goyim' while having the audacity to say that this poison will treat them from their illness when it will only hurt them or in some cases even kill them.
Anyone who is, intentionally or unintentionally, promoting chloroquine, should be known as promoting poison as treatment and helping to support criminal jewish big pharma sell their toxic drugs that can only do more harm than good.
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