Wearing face-masks reduces covid-19 transmission significantly.

Unfortunately not enough Canadians wear them routinely. Why don’t they ?

This thread gives reasons for conclusion that only by mandating their use will enough people use them. 1/10 https://bit.ly/2Zz93OX 
Evidence is compelling that if most people wear face-masks then transmission of Covid-19 is dramatically reduced.

This is from a “Christian” news source showing how widely this is now accepted 2/10 https://bit.ly/3d15DIH 
Nonetheless, many disagree with compulsion, instead advocating for education, information and persuasion.

Unfortunately, cognitive science shows that these are not effective, particularly when also facing a wave of misinformation. 3/10
Most Canadians also don’t know that more than 100 countries already have some level of compulsory order requiring their citizens to wear face-masks

These include both France and Germany-where masks are required when on public transport or shopping. 5/10 https://bit.ly/2WW2QuG 
That persuasion alone isn’t effective is shown elsewhere. For example in the UK, where the government is still “suggesting” use, most people do not wear them.

Unfortunately the UK also has very high rates of infection and mortality. 6/10 https://bit.ly/3bXZ9ZF 
Resistance to wearing face-masks during pandemics is not new. It was also the case in the 1918 pandemic as well.

Human behaviour can sometimes remain consistent over time, and not always in good ways. 7/10 https://bit.ly/2AceecL 
Making the public aware of this is particularly important before winter - when we all head indoors as it gets colder

At this time transmission risks may also increase. 8/10 https://bit.ly/2TzFdpE 
For those objecting to the use of any mandatory requirements for face-mask wearing, there have been similar arguments in the past objecting to:

Smoking indoors
Wearing seat-belts
Not drinking and driving

Nearly identical concerns were made–privacy, individual choice, etc. 9/10
So, while many Canadians favour individual choice, evidence from multiple scientific disciplines strongly suggests that without mandatory use, face-masks will not be used by enough people to be effective.

This is bad for everyone. 10/10 https://bit.ly/2XvovbY 
I believe that mask wearing will become increasingly required in all public spaces over the next 6 - 24 months

Length of time required will depend on vaccine development timelines

Need to start this discussion in Canada to increase public acceptance https://wapo.st/2ZLAKEh 
Mask use.

In Paris, where it is required and you’re fined for not having one “it is rare to see anybody on the Métro without one”.

“On London’s Tube, where the government merely advises people to wear one, only around a third of people are doing so.” https://tinyurl.com/y8velwou 
This study of over 12,000 encounters found when wearing a mask “people drifted back — nearly twice as far as when wasn’t wearing a mask — suggesting the mere sight of protective gear activated..fellow pedestrians..and helped keep them safe”

Masks work https://wapo.st/30fQeAL 
Yet another study showing benefits of mandatory Face Masks - 40% reduction in preventing spread of Covid-19

Yet nothing in Alberta.

Before winter comes, and things could get much worse once we move indoors, can we please have a discussion about this. https://bit.ly/2zqcRHF 
Yet more evidence that wearing face masks significantly reduces transmission of Covid-19.

Despite this they are not yet mandatory in Canada.

I just hope that this will change before winter comes, and we are confined indoors again. https://wapo.st/37qUC1j 
Mask wearing needs to be mandatory in Canada from the fall. Has two other benefits:

First, it will help mental health of essential workers.

Second, it will significantly reduce spread of influenza, which is important as vaccine shortages for this likely https://bit.ly/2MUN6SX 
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