@Steve_Sailer I saw your post which mentioned McHale. I like that guy, because he's a great example of "hybrid vigor", which Greg Cochran thought long ago might apply to some human populations. The last name is Irish, but McHale inherited his height from his Croatian mother.
Other than the wingspan, McHale's body is weird in that he has really high, really wide shoulders and a block like torso. Another famous person who has exactly this build is the half Slovenian Barron Trump:
The exact anatomical details are beyond me, but I do wonder if you might get the same of sort of effect if you crossed Polynesians and Icelanders with a long armed population like the Irish.
Didn't take long: here's the half Tongan Steven Adams. Polynesians are bursting with height genes, but this is balanced by others which shrink their limbs. McHale and Adams were built by a genius racist chemist.
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