2) Vaccines contain thimerosal, which consists of 50% mercury. Mercury is extremely poisonous. Especially for the pineal gland. The pineal gland produces melatonin, serotonin and dimethyltryptamine (DMT, I will return to this). It inhibits tumor development ...
3) affects sexual development. The pineal gland is also called the 3rd eye, all-seeing eye. It is called that because our pineal gland can "see" things that we cannot perceive with our other physical senses.
4) The pineal gland is not only encountered in the old Hindu tradition. In very ancient civilizations, such as the Sumerians and the Egyptians, we find indications that people knew about the existence and importance of this gland at that time. For example, there are images ...
5) found from a Sumerian God with a pinecone in hand. Also, the resemblance of a dissected brain part, with the gland in the middle and the so-called “eye of Horus” is too strong to be accidental.
DMT has a major influence on this.
6) DMT is called the consciousness hormone. This psychedelic substance is also frequently found in plants and in the animal kingdom. By the Shamans it is used (trip tea ayahuasca, plant extract) to travel through the realm of spirits (inter-dimensional).
Super interesting! ...
7) If it can be found so much in nature and in humans, then it must have an important and essential function right? However, in most people, the pineal gland is poisoned by fluoride, mercury, stress. Hmmm ... I can't get rid of this thought anymore ...
8) that, the one to the other, is not mutually exclusive. Do vaccines also have the means to be, to our consciousness, to be levelling off? And why that'll be so? I know so, for myself. I hope that each one will think logically about "just getting" a vaccine.
9)Why is only Gates vaccin legitimate? He is not a virologist, neither a epidemiologist.He is someone with a whole lot of money and a whole lot of power. Why ónly his foundation? Try asking yourself some logical questions and investigate. I am not antivax, but I am against Gates.
How to decalcify your pineal gland.
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