The economy performs far better under Democratic Presidents. This thread gives you some links and charts for arguing about it with your conservative friends. Let's start with a summary article from The Economist. 1/
The stock market performs better under Democratic Presidents. 2/
When comparing stock market performance through the first 3 years in office, Clinton was #1 and Obama #2.
CNN updates a similar article periodically. As of March 23, 2020 (trading day 798) Obama was #1, up 75%. Trump peaked up 49% on Feb 19 and was at -1% at 3/23.
Economists Alan Blinder and Mark Watson did a detailed historical study of the subject that covered many variables. Among their findings: The unemployment rate fell by 0.8% points on average under Democrats, but rose 1.1% on average under Republicans. 4/
Since Eisenhower, the unemployment rate has increased under every Republican President's time in office except during Reagan's second term. It has improved under every Democratic President except Carter, where it was the same.
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