📙✡️Judas Iscariot - Old Type in a New Form (1889)
by Telemachus Thomas Timayenis

📙✡️Judas Iscariot - An Old Type in a New Form (1889)
by Telemachus Thomas Timayenis

"I know the Jews too well to fear their mutterings or threats. I have undertaken a battle I know I shall win, nor will I lay down my pen before the victory is mine."

SINCE the publication of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" there has not appeared in the English language a book that created a sensation equal to that of
"The Original Mr. Jacobs."
Mr. Jacobs: https://twitter.com/samisdat_info/status/1264316297933963264?s=20
📕🇺🇸Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beacher Stowe
"It certainly needed an extraordinary amount of courage and decision to launch forth a book antagonistic to the formidable power of money, before which kings themselves have found themselves powerless..."
"Soon after the book was published, a wail arose from Israel. How the Jews tore their hair! Committee upon committee of Jews visited the booksellers, urging upon them not to sell the obnoxious book."
"The result of that book has been to show the Jew up in the light of day. It drew aside the veil of Israel's vague pretence of humanitarianism, and displayed him in all his hideous nakedness."
"They are attacked because they seek to rob the nations that extend to them hospitality; because they seek by the power of their ill-gotten gains to reduce to slavery those who have extended hospitality to them."
"...audaciously proclaimed: "We are the chosen people, the world is ours, and we will be masters of the people."
"The goods of the Goym (Gentiles) are considered to be a property without a lawful master, which the Jew can, with perfect impunity, take, just as the Normans were wont to take the lands of the Saxons."
Cross-check "Money Kings" with findings of Woolfolk: https://twitter.com/samisdat_info/status/1155088756187291649?s=20
"Suppose, for instance, that Moses acquired the right to rob Brown. The moment that the Consistory has regularly sold this right to Moses, the latter, with the sworn assistance of his brethren, connives to ruin Brown."
"The documents published by Brafman," justly remarks Oscar Harvard, "lift the veil behind which the kingdom of Israel was concealed during two thousand years. For the first time the Kahal emerges to light and delivers to us its secrets."
"He may reside here during his whole life, and grow rich on his numerous frauds and rascalities , but he is never a citizen, as that word is understood by us. His mission here is to rob you--to make money; to enter on the inheritance of the Gentile, which Jehovah promised him."
"Did they come, like the Germans, the Irish, and the immigrants of other European nations, to join their fortunes to ours? No! The Jew hung upon the
flanks of our army as a trader, or perhaps a sutler, and always a spy."
"The nation is impoverished to the extent that the Jews become rich; for property in the hands of the Jews adds nothing to the wealth of the country. They produce nothing."
End of Chapter 2.

I might just include the odd highlight here and there but hopefully that gives a good taste of the book and some hints as to why it was 'disappeared' from The U.S. Library Of Congress and memory-holed pretty much everywhere else.
"A famous rabbi assured us that a Jewess, even after she marries a Gentile, brings up her children in the precepts of Judaism."
"The Judaisants those who act like the Jews, those affiliated to the Jew system, are even more grasping, more rapacious, less unscrupulous, if such a thing can be possible, than the Jews."
In the book Sifri, The Rabbis tell us, "A single Jew is of more worth in the sight of God than all the nations of the world ; every Israelite is of more value before Him, than all the nations that have been or will be."
"Reader, the above are absolute facts. Not a word of exaggeration is contained in the above description , for I have been at the " king's" [Rockefeller] house, and was present at the morning meal and the devotional exercises."
'This unjust acquisition of property has created amidst us a class of men arrogant, cruel, distant, cold, aristocratic, ignorant, but purse-laden, such as the " oil-king ," a class which, for want of a better name, we will call Judaisants.'
"The American respects himself, has a regard for his honor. The Jew neither respects himself nor has any regard for his honor. The American therefore yields his position to the Jew, and the Jew thrives.
How does he thrive ?
By fraud."
"They have without noise modified the laws, laws which formerly restricted them. They obtained decrees which paralyzed the action of every law, and they have overcome the public press with their capital in such a manner that the press dares not speak."
"we Aryans are robbed by the Jews, & this ought not to be. Odious monopoly- which will result in hurling upon the Jews and their adherents public indignation-is the Jewish monopoly which presses upon all objects of the first necessity, and even upon the conditions of existence."
"THE Jew has obtruded himself, of late years, upon the public as a liquor-dealer; and in that business his innate and insatiable rascality has actually made it necessary for honest men to combine and form a Prohibition party to protect the community..."
"Jews, in mixing and concocting their different kinds of rot-gut, make use of fusil oil of corn, compounded with sulphuric acid, sulphate of copper, oxalic acid, sugar of lead, chloroform, ammonia, etc. , all of which are not merely in-jurious, but actually dangerous, to life."
"Bottling and labeling is done in the highest style of the art; and the rascally imitations Lind their way to the hotels, public bars, and the aristocratic clubs of New York, while the Jew pockets his big profits and laughs at the stupidity of Gentile wine-bibbers."
"1st. Never buy any kind of liquor from a Jew.
2nd. Touch not, taste not, handle not, & you will beat the Jew every time.
3rd. Labor to form a public opinion determined, at all hazards, to stop at once this murderous business carried on by Jews, of adultering wines & liquors."
'I will make it stronger: forty-nine out of every fifty liquor-dealers are selling whiskey which is, more or less, poison. I would not drink it, sir-I would not allow a good dog to drink it."'
"A barrel of Jew whiskey contains enough fusel oil to kill half a dozen men. I would just as willingly take a small dose of poison as drink a glass. Step into any saloon, take a glass of this vile Jew rot-gut, you will feel the evil results before you are across the threshold."
'All other nations--be they Greeks or Latins, Persians, Germans, Indo-Europeans (Arya), Mongolians, Chinese, Red-skin Americans, etc. - are children and posterity of Japhet (handsome). Therefore, "anti-Semitic" would mean, enmity against (anti) Arabians, Syrians, etc., & Jews.'
"At the time when Greeks were fighting for independence, it was Jews who urged Turks to hang priests, bishops, & patriarchs of the Greek Church; it was Jews, who dragged their bodies through the streets of Constantinople, trampled, spat upon them, & cast them into the Bosphorus."
"Anti-Semitism is a foreign plant inasmuch as the Jews who pour in from abroad bring along with them their abominable character, which invariably excites hatred, and thus they, the Jews, give rise to anti-Semitism."
'Kant, the great philosopher, says something to this effect: " It is difficult to imagine a nation of mere deceivers; but it is equally as difficult to imagine an entire nation of merchants," meaning the Palestiner, that is, the Jew.'
"Their brothers sit in the halls of legislature, they sit on the benches of courts,
they perjure, bear false witness, and seek to black-mail those who are opposed to them. They are employed as coroners, as lawyers, as physicians, as teachers of languages..."
"With the exception of the New York Commercial Advertiser, which, I am informed, does not employ any Jews, there is hardly a newspaper office in New York City free from these pests."
"Had there existed a truly independent public press, discussing facts exactly as they are, our newspapers could have enlightened Jews; but no newspaper dares speak ill of the Jews-no one dares mention anything but what will flatter the Jew in his outrageous ostentation & vanity."
'If Mrs. Einstein or Mrs. Levinsky were to lose a poodle dog, our "independent" dailies would despatch their reporters in search of the facts, and would devote columns to it, extolling the fat Jewess and lamenting and commiserating with her at her loss.'
"Jews, by their very nature, are a race of idlers and paupers, in the sense that they make the public provide. for their support. Yet, in a few years they turn up in Wall Street as bank-ers and brokers. Usury, theft, counterfeiting, embezzlement, are their trades."
'Through the Middle Ages, Hungary was the granary of Europe, and to this day she does not cease to feed her neighbors. "Beyond Hungary there is no life; if there is any it is not the same." This is a saying of the old Hungarians.'
"Hungary, after all, is not a Lilliputian country: it is larger than Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, and Belgium combined; it is larger than Italy and Switzerland put together; it has more in-habitants than Spain; and the Hungarians out-number the Swedes three times."
"towns & villages which never witnessed a theft, robbery, drunkenness, or prostitution. Hungary knew of no pawn-shops, insane-asylums, poor-houses, until Jews invaded, Jews foster prostitution, degrade marriage, loosen family ties, cause moral as well as physical degradation."
"The Jews in Hungary to-day own fully three fourths of the land. The remainder is mortgaged heavily to them, and as a matter of fact, they are the owners of the entire soil and reap the harvest."
✡️ "He is the doctor, the scientist, the artist, the teacher, the Merchant, he is the lawyer, the banker, the representative, the judge (generally Tombs Police Court); he is the landlord, the manufacturer, the distiller the butcher;- why, he is everything."
"Jews like to be called Israelites; they detest their real name, Jew. One is solemn, exalted, resplendent; other low, vulgar-like themselves. Hungarian for Jews, Zsido, is derivative of Hebrew Hezid, meaning "to lie" so Zsid/Hazud, a liar, accurately, faithfully depicts the Jew."
"Not only their names are shams and lies, but everything in and about the Jew is a sham and a lie. They themselves were a nation of bastards'"
"They lost their language, they lost their Bible, they lost their country, and theylost their alphabet, for the one now in use is not composed of Jewish letters or characters (Jews never had a character), but was borrowed from Babylonia."
"From the above, it is evident that the religion of the modern Jews is founded on tradition and, to a certain extent, supported by Biblical teachings."
"The Jews believe that all are heathens who are not Jews, and teach that all non-Jews must be oppressed, must be persecuted and, if ever a chance is offered, must be exterminated. We are prepared to give ample proof of such diabolical and abominable teachings of the Jews."
Show solidarity of the Jews among themselves and their bitter enmity against all non-Jews, to prove that there is not the slightest difference in the eyes of a Jew, whether one is Christian, heathen, Mahomedan or infidel, so long as one does not "sign and accept the Noahide Laws"
"It is manifest from the above quotations taken at random, that the Jews are an isolated people, held together unlike any other nation in the world by race, kinship, religious fanaticism, family ties, traditions, homelessness and language."
"Jews were in all countries and in all ages the fermenting and decomposing element of society. All countries have had precisely the same experience with them, and the end of such experience invariably was their opprobrious expulsion."
"To be free of them, one has to get rid of them. In the same way, no entreaties, no warnings, no friendly advice, no laws, no threats, no punishments would the Jews heed; the last remedy to be resorted to remained-expulsion. Accordingly, all western nations, one after-the other."
"The Inquisition only persecuted the judaisants-that is, to say, the Jews who pretended to be Christians, but who were always plotting and conniving against the people, who, in fact, were hypocrites and conspirators against the Christian faith and the laws of Spain."
"Well, I have studied the law, and know exactly what Jews have in store for me; but no threat will ever deter me from the path of duty. It is due to modern anti-Semitism (the fact of my having studied the law), and this, too, under the guidance of a prominent old rabbi."
"the Jews at Tisza-Eszlar, an unimportant village in central Hungary, had waylaid a young girl I4 years old, lured her in their synagogue just before the Jewish Easter, the Ist of April, at 12 o'clock noon, cut her throat, and collected her life's blood for religious purposes."
'The Jews throughout the world took an active part, and contributed 200,000 florins to carry on the defence, hired perjurers, false witnesses, and fortified themselves with all the "accessories."'
"Christians & Jews, know the crime was actually committed, & so long as the human race exists, so long as those records are kept, the verdict of the world will be, "They are guilty." They murdered Esther Solymosy, to mix her blood in in the Jewish Matsos, or Easter bread."
"People in every country in Europe began to feel interested, numerous books were issued; meetings were held in France, Germany, Romania, & the public began to look into the Jews and their customs , Russia began to regulate & eject her Jews, even we in America got a taste of it,"
"Russia, Romania, and Germany also began to wake to the fact that the Jewish parasites were sucking their life-blood. But it was not until France raised the alarm that anti-Semitism be-came an affair of the whole world."
"...and honest men who will study the subject in this country will see that there is no more religious fanaticism involved in anti-Semitism than there is in the theory of our planetary system."
"sent them to the Island, where they were lodged in barracks ; but before even permitting them to enter the quarters allotted to them, they were compelled to take a bath, the first in their life, and for which they uttered, in their Jewish jargon, imprecations upon the police."
"The Jews are a State within the State, and are Perfidious Traitors. The idea of a nation always implies certain strata in its society. No nation can consist merely of bankers, of merchants, or of any one special class or occupation."
"Why did they prefer alleged persecution? Why do they not go and establish themselves somewhere, instead of tolerating "fanaticism" of Christians? No, they prefer this "exile," even protest when we want to put them out, when we give them perfect freedom and independence to go."
"It is positively forbidden for a Jew to acknowledge or to submit to the laws of the country in which he lives. They must avoid bringing a lawsuit before a Christian judge or magistrate. If they cannot help doing so, they must strive to put a Jewish judge on the Christian bench."
Christian courts flooded by agents of the "kehalim" against unfortunate Jews stricken down by the malediction-highest & severest degree of excommunication, called the hehherem of the bes din, such a Jew "a muh-hram" is dogged, hunted down into perdition until driven to suicide.
"These doctrines are rigidly enforced to this day. Do not say that this is a theory of ancient times. No! it is in actual application every day. All Jews are bound to obey the decisions of the "kehalim" and, as a matter of fact, the Jews are an organized state within the state."
"If a Jew has a lawsuit with a goy, let it be: If there is justice for us in the law as laid down in the books of the goy, we shall judge them according to their law, saying: Thus orders your law. But if there is justice in our law, we must always judge according to our law"
"Let us all organize against our mortal enemies, let every Christian writer join his voice to mine in driving the Jews away; let there be only one battle-cry from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and that cry, THE JEW MUST GO!"
Will continue later...
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