Some oddities in the oil sector...

Were the tanks ever full? Was there ever a glut?

- Trump had the Saudis pay him to take their oil.

- Keystone pipeline is being rapidly built.

- Maximum oil production happening for some Canadian companies, right after they shut down.
I had a phone call with someone working in an Alberta steam plant. A while back they purged almost all 20 steam plants with nitrogen; trucked in tanks and tanks of it. This means a BIG shutdown. At least a year or more, or indefinitely.

Skeleton crew, minimum production.
Three days after the shut down purge, they got a call to fire it up back up, full production. More than before, all hands on deck.

Full crews, maximum production.
This person called their boss and asked "What the f*** is going on here man? None of this makes any sense".

Boss says "I'm not sure, all I know is they want full production immediately".
The rumour at the refinery? Tanks weren't full. North America has oil storage capacity.
In an 1987 interview with Larry King, Donald Trump said that Saudi Arabia should pay for the protection the United States provides them.

In 2020, Trump collected the bill.

He knows what he did, and it worked. Check that smirk at the end.
What is the "keystone"? What is freedom?

Energy independence.

Keystone XL = 830,000 barrels of oil shipped per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas

Alberta has the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world. Saskatchewan, and Manitoba both also have a good amount.
Canada will be one of the most prosperous nations to ever have existed. Canada will have the most ethical, environmentally friendly, innovative, and biologically/technologically advanced oil in the world.
Canada is the keystone to oil independence. The keystone to freedom. Until we gently transition to the suppressed energy technology of the early 1900s and later (Tesla, Schauberger, Reich, Cold Fusion). Beyond that, oil will still be required to produce almost everything we use.
There is hope for Canada.

Something is happening behind the scenes; something very powerful.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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