How is it possible that every line from Tactics Ogre is so raw? Even the chapter titles are not messing around
Ozma is BAD
It's been more than a decade and I haven't had a game put me on the spot in such a terrifying way than this one single dialog choice. If you played Tactics Ogre, you just know
you don't understand...the fucking chapter title is enough to give me chills. The font, the words, the style, it's perfect.
This game is a fever dream for anyone who enjoys drama and great writing.

You won't top this shit anytime soon. I am legally obligated to share the gospel
and the fucking character design...the intricate ornaments on every piece of armor, the oversized shoulder pads making everyone imposing, the extremely stylish cape...this game was made for ME
even the fucking priests in this game are incredibly well-designed. No aspect of this game wasn't handled with care, none.
Unless your game has sexy liches and berserkers, Tactics Ogre will keep on winning. I'm sorry.
the emotions displayed on his face................the chills will never leave my body
a fucking achievement of the entire genre and you're telling me I have to spend the rest of my miserable life with the knowledge that I will never get another game like it? I will never get the other episodes of this saga???????

what did i do to deserve this cruel fate
I was just sadposting about Tactics Ogre, if I knew it was going to pique the interest of people, I'd have put more thought into it lol. Please check these other tweets I've made about other facets of the game
Another great dialogue from the game
How the director of FFXIV literally said Tactics Ogre was the reason he joined the company in the first place. This man saved the Final Fantasy brand from being irrelevant to the entire world today
some more screens about how even generic enemies had backstories to read that would flesh them out in Tactics Ogre
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