The season titles (water, earth, fire), reference the element Aang is learning, the season it is, and the nation it takes place in. But it also refers to Zuko's journey (traveling the world by water, walking the earth by foot, and then being home in the fire nation.)
#2: Both of Sokka's love interests have a connection to the moon. Yue became the moon spirit and Suki is based off the japanese (Tsuki) which means moon. This makes sense because Sokka is often referenced as a wolf (leader of his pack, has a wolf tail, and wears wolf armor)
Iroh is named after his mother, Ilah.
Speaking of Iroh. Iroh and Ozai never meet during the events of the show.
I don't think this one has been confirmed but the golden egg that Zuko describes as "alive" could be his dragon, Druk, that he rides and Legend of Korra
Toph Beifong is the only character in the show with a last name
Adding this one bc thats what started this whole thing
Avatar Kyoshi was like 7 feet tall, bisexual, and lived to be 230 years old. So...she's the coolest Avatar.
In the episode "The Guru" each vision that Aang has while unlocking his chakras are tinted in the order of the color spectrum
Katara is the first character in Avatar to master all the subbending styles of her element. (Waterbending, healing, bloodbending, swampbending)
Gyatso did NOT go down without a fight. I count 7 dead fire nation bodies
Ursa was a botanist and created an untraceable poison gas to kill Fire Lord Azulon. She was banished so that she wouldn't use this against Ozai.
Zuko got his Blue Spirit mask from his mother, Ursa, who was in a theater troupe pre-Ozai marriage.
Won't spoil it. But there are lion turtles hidden throughout a few episodes (even the pilot)
The Earthbender in the intro was Toph's original design. It was later given to Sud, who taught Roku earthbending.
The airbender in the intro isn't Aang. Its just a random airbender.
Katara is the only member of Team Avatar to never meet Ozai during the show
Part of the reason why Mai's betrayal led to Azula's mental downfall is because the words "I love Zuko more than I fear you" directly references how Azula's mother felt about her.
I first watched this show 15 years ago and it's the reason why I'm an animator and storyboard artist now. So I'm glad that everyone's love for this show is returning because I'm going make a show thats hopefully just as impactful one day.
Doing more because I'm bored. The Boulder is loosely based off of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
This one's kinda dumb, but The words "Previously on Avatar" are always said by Roku, who was the PREVIOUS AVATAR
Ty Lee has 6 identical sisters! All whose names start with "Ty"
Azula was almost the first female Fire Lord. However, this title went to Zuko's daughter, Izumi.
Zuko's daughter is named Izumi, which means "fountain". This could be a reference to her parent's relationship or a way to honor Katara, who saved Zuko's life.
Aang's appearance in his nightmares in Book Three are references to Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and Bleach, respectively.
The fact that there is little room for more Avatar statues in the Southern Air Temple, foreshadows what happens to Aang in Book Two as well as what happens to Korra.
Momo was meant to be a reincarnated Monk Gyatso
Aang has met the original benders of every element.
The Earth Kingdom has the highest ratio of nonbenders. Even an identical twin to an Earthbender can be a nonbender. Air Nomads have the lowest ratio, with almost all of them being airbenders
Suki used to date Foaming Mouth Guy
Zuko and Azula's battle was planned from the very beginning. This may have been part of the reason why the creators had Azula's fire be blue. In order to easily see whose fire belongs to who.
Wulong Forest, where Aang and Ozai battle, is based off the location Aang stands in during the intro
Bumi told Aang to think like a mad genius when fighting the Fire Lord. No spoilers, but...Aang did.
#36 (these are going to be slower)
Azula got the idea of taking down Ba Sing Se from the inside from how the Fire Nation drill was destroyed.
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