2/ "Yazdanpanah also sat on the Gilead "board" between September 2014 and June 2016." "From 2011 to 2019, he made himself available several times a year for expert and speaker contracts for Gilead and for interventions on his "board"."

ht: @LoLoWarn
4/ For the most part, outside of the Didier Raoult's Méditerranée Infection in Marseille, France had maintained their allegiance to big pharma and rejected widespread usage of Hydroxychloroquine....and their mortality rates skyrocketed.
5/ Let's rewind to what Tony Fauci did when he came out in favor of Remdesivir in late April. It was absolutely unprecedented in the medical research community. Not only did he change the stated goals of his Remdesivir study at a mid point to achieve an objective....
6/ Fauci bypassed industry standards of publication/peer review. He went on to call Remdesivir, the new "Standard Of Care" for COVID-19 treatment. This despite modest improvement in patients. His peers are still waiting for that study and data.... https://qz.com/1849113/scientists-demand-data-to-show-remdesivir-works-for-covid-19/
8/ Then we found out that not only has Fauci received millions $$$ from Gilead over the last 20 years, he stacked the deck with Nine scientists on US COVID-19 treatment task force, who also work for Gilead. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL? HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/panel-financial-disclosure/
9/ It's pretty clear that the fix has been in since Day 1, and Big Pharma has it's reach throughout the world. France is a major voice in the European Medicines Agency, which has advocated against Hydroxychloroquine for the EU...and their horrid 12% mortality rates are telling.
10/ However don't be fooled, Remdesivir is a just a bone for Gilead. It's actually just a patsy for the masses. It's an ineffective and poorly tolerated drug, that will not be an effective treatment, not nearly what early usage of Hydroxychloroquine can produce. The goal...
11/ The goal is to keep us hungry for the holy grail in the research community...The Vaccine. This is a potentially Trillion $ payday for not only makers of vaccines, but it also funds research and development for the next decade. https://epicnorthcounty.com/vaccines-big-business/
12/ They don't want you to get herd immunity, at least not until they get the major funding from governments. Bill Gates has already said, he want to give all 7 billion of us a vaccine. Why would children need this or those that already have immunity? I'll leave that open.
13/ This is a tale of Money & Power, over human life. When 3rd world countries without high tech medical equipment & world class training, are posting <3% mortality rates, using a dirt cheap drug (HCQ)...we have a problem...a big problem. Stay vigilant my friends.
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