Director of the @intheglebe BIA writes an op-ed in the Citizen that says pedestrians and cyclists have other places to go that "don't interfere with people trying to access amenities." Amazing that the Glebe BIA doesn't consider pedestrians and cyclists as potential customers.
If the Glebe BIA encouraged active transportation, they'd get more customers and make more money. Once again: not "closing" the street or completely eliminating parking, just balancing the space for all types of users.
From a study of the Glebe in 2010:
-"Most (67.3%) walk or take the bus to Bank St."
-"Most (71.3%) of the pedestrians on Bank St. live in the Glebe or nearby neighbourhoods"

These are the people who the Glebe BIA is telling to avoid Bank street and walk elsewhere.
Mayor @JimWatsonOttawa's message is the same: if you're a pedestrian or cyclist, avoid shopping on Bank street. "Residents have many options to stay active: they can walk and cycle along the Rideau Canal, along the Queen Elizabeth Driveway, or on their quiet residential streets."
The Mayor and the BIA are assuming that cycling and walking are purely recreational activities, not the modes of transportation that most local customers use to access essential services and businesses.
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