⚡40 pro tips for writing great microcopy

1/ Be clear, concise, and useful

This one’s obvious.

People don’t want to be forced to read.

Identify the most important info and say that.
2/ Use consistent wording

Avoid using synonyms.

Inconsistency confuses users.

They'll think different words lead to different results.
3/ Create a microcopy framework

Create a doc for you and your team that houses your most common words.

Get everyone singing the same song.
4/ Be conversational

Talk like two co-workers over lunch —a casual, friendly tone in a professional setting.
5/ Use humor and idioms carefully

The tone is casual, but the same jokes can get stale.

Or even worse, no one gets it.

Sometimes, it's better to be straightforward.
6/ Highlight your brand’s character

Even so, make routine tasks memorable by adding a bit of flair.

If your brand is playful, don’t be afraid to add emojis.
7/ Be wary of word translations

You wouldn’t want your product to break in other countries, right?
8/ (Almost) always use the active voice

It’s stronger and easier to understand than the passive voice.

Use it when you need to signal who or what caused an action.
9/ Use the passive voice (sometimes)

It has its place.

Use it when the action is more important than what caused the action (aka the subject).
10/ Provide context

Answer this question for the user: “Why exactly am I here?”

Focus on relevance.
11/ Assume your user is smart

Everyone knows what to do when they see a form.

Save your breath.
12/ Keep it scannable

Reading is work.

Every word takes energy.

Users like to save energy by skimming.

Leave out the unimportant.

They’ll get the gist.
13/ Write short paragraphs and sentences

Keep ‘em short and snappy.

*snap* *snap*
14/ Don’t overuse contractions

They make text sound informal and easier to read.

But overused, they become distracting.

They can make text look messy.
15/ When to use sentence case

Sentence case is when you only capitalize the first letter of the first word in a phrase.

Use it most of the time —especially for buttons and links.
16/ When to use title case

Title case is when you capitalize the first letter of each word, typically ignoring small words like conjunctions and prepositions.

Use it for phrases 2-3 words long —6 max.
17/ Capitalize proper names & terms

Don’t capitalize unless they’re proper terms, branded terms, or terms for a specific functionality.
18/ When to use “Your”

“Your” gives personal assistant vibes.

It should be used in social, collaborative settings —like a project management app or smart device.

Use it for what the product creates for the user.
19/ When to use “My”

“My” implies individual control and ownership.

It should be used where data is sensitive and a sense of security is needed —like a tax return site.

Use it for what the user creates in the product.
20/ Keep ‘em calm

Point out concerning actions before your user has time to question your motives.
21/ Refer to the user

Use "you" and "your" to address the user directly.

However, using a personal pronoun isn’t necessary in cases where you’re not distinguishing items that belong to the user from items that belong to others.
22/ Identify interactive elements

Use action verbs.

People should be able to tell at a glance what an element does.
23/ Start with verbs

It’s more direct and hooks the user’s attention.
24/ Prompt action

Remember this: Information → Action
25/ Motivate action

Sometimes, people need a little nudge.

Give them training wheels that will subconsciously disappear over time.
26/ Set expectations

Show users what they should expect.
27/ Instruct action

Inform users how to perform an action.
28/ Show progress during actions

Reassure the user that what they want is on the way.
29/ Give feedback after actions

Reassure the user that what they want has been completed.
30/ Use constructive feedback model

Empower the user.

If they can have new abilities, emphasize it.

→ “Yes, and…”

If they can’t do something, tell them why and how they can fix it.

→ “No, because…”
31/ Avoid destructive feedback

It’s unhelpful and depressing.
32/ Create positive moments

People will remember how you make them feel.

Bring delight.
33/ Pair visuals with words

The right visuals paired with the right words emphasize the message.

Users will get the message faster.
34/ Be consistent with imagery

Similar to consistency with words —inconsistency of visuals can confuse users.

Unless you plan to shift the visuals entirely to pair with a shift in the messaging.
35/ Use familiar words and phrases

In general, avoid acronyms and technical sayings that people might not understand.

Use what you know about your audience to determine what’s appropriate.
36/ Spell out numbers up to nine

In body copy, spell out numbers up to nine.

Use numerals after 10.
37/ Reassure users with social proof

Show the user that they’re making the right choice in using your product.
38/ Pick the right moments

Show only what’s necessary —when it’s necessary.
39/ Test and improve

Experiment and see how people respond.

Iterate, test, and improve what needs work.

Contextualized wording is better than generic wording.
40/ Think: “How can I improve your life?”

No one cares about what you can do.

They only care about what you can do for them.
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