Last year, we launched N.J.'s first ever statewide survivor survey and received 400+ responses.

In the next few weeks, we're going to share some of our major findings as we prepare to release our "Survivors Say..." report, generously funded by @RWJF.
We need to rethink what justice can look like for survivors. Learn more from our whitepaper on restorative justice as a means of addressing sexual violence.
Increasing the general public’s knowledge about sexual violence and how survivors may respond to trauma is all part of our overarching goal: eliminating sexual violence. Learn more with our fact sheet: #supportsurvivors
New Jersey law provides survivors with the right to have their report of sexual violence treated seriously by law enforcement. Learn more with our fact sheet: #believesurvivors
Survivors can access New Jersey's 24-hour statewide hotline at 1-800-601-7200 or contact a local sexual violence programs for support services here:  #findhelp
You can follow @NJ_CASA.
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