Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Obama Admin attempt to interfere w/ the 2016 election, & ensure a Clinton win.

Think chess.
QUEEN protects KING?

Complete breakdown of the chess pieces & the mass corruption that took place up to the 2016 election.
2.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Many within our government, actively worked in cooperation with foreign governments to FRAME President Trump and his administration for election, as a means to prevent him from being seated in the Oval Office.
3.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The Clinton Campaign in 2016, had a massive network of associates working behind the scenes to ensure she won... BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. This includes unofficial FIVE-EYES information, unmasking, and abusing the FISA's 702 query process.
4.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

John Brennan, the CIA Director, and Robert Hannigan, the head of the British intel agency GCHQ, met to pass information which was then used to begin the illegal Spy Campaign into candidate Trump.
5.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Unmasking process legalities - matters of national security, or to gain better context in understanding the information

However, leaking unmasked names is a crime. Leaking unmasked names for reasons other than nat. sec. is espionage.
6.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Top officials in the FBI were abusing the 702 query process. What this means, they were proactively taking advantage of data collection without needing a warrant, then using that same information to frame members of the Trump admin.
7.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The FBI gave contractors, with no legal authority, to have access to the FISA 702 data, willingly and illegally. Additionally, even when the contractors work concluded with the FBI, their access to the 702 raw data collection, DID NOT.
8.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The process of abusing 702 queries were abused by the FBI & these contractors criminally when they used the upstream data collecting process for American citizens. Note: This process is only ALLOWED for foreign citizens on foreign soil.
9.)Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

NSA director Adm. Mike Rogers caught the illegal wire tapping on the Trump campaign & abuse of collecting data against the political rival, so the next step was to 'insert' & launch an FBI investigation to obtain a FISA warrant 'legally.'
10.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

By illegally obtaining a FISA warrant on Carter Page, it allowed for HRC campaign to tap into the next two lines of people in contact. ie.) Trump, Trump Jr, Corey Lewandowski

With an HRC win, it would all have been swept under the rug.
11.)Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Crossfire Hurricane was an inter-agency Task Force between top FBI officials, in cooperation w/ John Brennan & his Langley lackeys. This was the next to attempt to frame the Trump admin, exonerate HRC, and begin the Russia investigation.
12.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Clinton after leaving her position as Sec. Of State did not turn over her private server & emails which directly violates Federal Law. Strzok drafted an exoneration letter & passed it to Dir. Comey, which he used before questioning HRC.
13.)Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Frmr AG Lynch did not recuse herself after meeting w/ Bill Clinton.

HRC aide smashed phones w/ hammer to cover up.

HRC washed servers with bleach bit before handing them over to the FBI.

McCabe's wife received 500K from HRC super PAC.
14.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

HRC's emails still had sensitive intelligence information within them.

HRC emails were hacked by the Chinese.

The Chinese killed between 18 - 20 CIA officers between 2010 -12, the same time she was in the State Department.
15.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

FBI Director James Comey said, and I quote "although there is evidence that potential violations of the statute of handling classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."
16.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

[HRC] lied about her emails and James Comey attempted to cover it up. In his testimony under oath before Congress, this is apparent.
17.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The scheme of ensured HRC winning in 2016 so her wrongdoing and her massive amounts of crimes, corruption, and violations of national security, would be covered up, and swept under the rug, preventing hers, and many others prosecution.
18.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

They set up a Trump foreign advisor, George Papadopoulos, as grounds to launch Crossfire Hurricane. By staging a meet between GP and Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, who then introduced GP to Russians claiming they had dirt on HRC.
19.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

@GeorgePapa19 then told AUS diplomat, Alexander Downey, the Russians had dirt on HRC. AUS officials then passed that info through Five-Eyes, to US counterparts. When the leaked DNC emails emerged, the FBI launched Crossfire Hurricane.
20.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The FBI sent in 'spys' to insert themselves around members of the Trump campaign, in an attempt to get them to 'admit' or falsify claims that the Trump campaign had been colluding with Russia.
21.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

British Intelligence Agency MI6, and Fives-Eyes intelligence, in collusion with the DNC, the Obama Administration, and HRC, used western intelligence spies, Mifsud and Downer, who are both connected to the Clinton Foundation.
22.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The AUS diplomat, Alexander Downer, who attempted to entrap and set up George Papadopoulos, helped to secure and sign off on, a $25 Million donation from the AUS government to the Clinton Foundation in 2006.
23.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

@GeorgePapa19 entrapment by Clinton Operatives:

Mifsud - Inserted Information
Downer - Extracted Information

Halper & associate sent by the FBI who claims her name was 'Azra Turk' - Tried to get GP to admit to crimes he didn't commit.
24.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The DNC claimed their servers were hacked by Russian spies. Instead of turning them over to the FBI, being a matter of nat. sec., hired a law firm, Perkins Coie, who then hired Crowdstrike to investigate. Both have major ties to the CF.
25.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

To obtain FISA warrant, the DNC & Clinton campaign had to supply the court w/ evidence of crimes that were never committed. They paid Perkins Coie, to hire Fusion GPS who hired MI6 agent Christopher Steele to write the 'Steele Dossier.'
26.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

4th ranked member of the DOJ, Bruce Ohr, went on to willfully falsify government ethics forms, omitting his wife Nellie was getting payments from Fusion GPS, the firm hired by the Clinton's, while he was investigating the Trump campaign
27.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The fraudulent Steele Dossier was passed around the Intelligence community, through various govt officials who knowingly passed it around. Ohr met with Steele to receive Steele memos one day prior to the launch of Crossfire Hurricane.
28.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

"If a US citizen is being targeted by the Russian, the FBI is obligated to tell you, you're a target. You've done nothing wrong, you're a US citizen. The only way you can not have that done is by a waiver at the NSC." @T_S_P_O_O_K_Y
29.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Donald Trump Jr. met with Russians, and no crime was committed, yet the Fake News and others claimed they had evidence that the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia, however, meeting with foreign officials, is not illegal.
30.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The two 'Russians' who met with Trump Jr, were both anti-Trumpers who were close to the Clinton's. Veselnitskaya, one of the Russians, met with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS the night before, and the night after they met with Trump Jr.
31.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Veselnitskaya was here on Immigration Parole, & her request to renew was denied by the SDNY AG. Under Obama's State Dept, her request was overturned, allowing her back into the country in June 2016 just in time for Trump Tower meeting.
32.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The reason there was no damning HRC emails passed to Trump Jr by the two Russian operatives, is because the two were working for Fuison GPS, the Clinton campaign, and the DNC to set up candidate Donald Trump.
33.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Henry Greenberg, a Russian criminal, who was in the USA on FBI informant visas, met with Roger Stone, through a phone call Michael Caputo received, claiming he had damaging info on HRC & he would hand it over for $2 MM.
34.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Comey claimed the Dossier, "was salacious & unverified." McCabe's statement, "if it weren't for the Dossier we wouldn't have gotten the FISA warrant." They made up the info, took it to a secret court, got the warrant, & used it to spy.
35.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Woods Procedures state any information submitted to FISC, has to be verified, and exculpatory evidence, or evidence used to help clear your name has to be included.

The FBI & DOJ left out exculpatory evidence to receive these warrants.
36.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

To ensure Woods Procedures, high ranking officials at the DOJ & FBI sign off on a Woods File. Which means, in order to obtain a warrant, officials KNOWINGLY had to lie about 'verified' evidence, & withhold exculpatory evidence from FISC
37.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

These 5 swore to the court they were submitting a verified warrant application:

FBI Director James Comey
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein
Acting AG Dana Boente
Deputy AG Sally Yates
38.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The FBI managed to 'verify' Steele as credible and reliable, based on the relationship they've had with him, and before they worked with him in the past.
39.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

FISA warrants had to be renewed every 90 days. By the first renewal, the FBI, had fired Christopher Steele for leaking his relationship to the media. So the FBI had to continue to pretend as if Steele was a credible source to the courts
41.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The FBI submitted the article that Christopher Steele and his information was the source of to the FISC, thus HRC campaign used Christopher Steele, to verify Christopher Steele.
42.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Christian Steele handed the FBI the Dossier. The FBI then ran the Dossier through Bruce Ohr at the DOJ, as a means to create weight in justifying and means through circular intelligence to verify a Dossier which was completely false.
43.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The Dossier information then was passed down through CIA Director John Brennan, to each member of the Gang of 8 seperately between August and September of 2016.
44.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The Gang of 8 at the time, included:
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Devine Nunes
Richard Burr
Diane Feinstein
Adam Schiff

The briefing led Harry Reid to write letter to Comey, demanding "investigation into the Trump"
45.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Harry Reids letter to Director Comey was published by the NYT. Fusion GPS paid multiple members of the media. Steele met with various outlets passing his information.
46.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The media then published story after story before the polls, smearing and falsely accusing the Trump campaign for collusion with Russia, in an attempt to interfere with the 2016 election.
47.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Perkins Coie, hired by Clinton, passed parts of the faux dossier to FBI Lawyer James Baker. They also leaked parts to the media. James Baker claimed he received parts of the Dossier the FBI did not have from MotherJones rep - David Corn
49.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Despite the firing of Steele by the FBI, for leaking his information, which was used in the Mother Jones article, the FBI even submitted that same article to the court in their attempt to paint Steele as credible.
50.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

In the same month after the FBI already fired Steele, they ordered Bruce Ohr to reestablish contact with Steele, which Ohr did at the very least, all the way to November of 2017.
51.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Bruce Ohr was funneled the Dossier information by his wife Nellie, Glenn Simpson, and Steele. Steele then passed the information to the FBI. The people who received the Dossier info were Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok.
52.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Bruce Ohr then funneled the Dossier information to senior members at the DOJ, Zainab Ahmad, and Andrew Weissman, who later went on to serve on Robert Mueller's Special Counsel.
53.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Bruce Ohr later testified: Dossier was not verified & paid for by the Clinton campaign. His wife Nellie had worked for the law firm hired by the Clinton's, Fusion GPS. Lastly, that Steele was "desperate Trump not become the president."
54.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Andrew Wood, who worked for the research company owned by Christopher Steele, and FMR British AMB to Russia, met with McCain and his aide, who then leaked the information to 14 different journalists including David Corn.. again.
56.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Clinton Black Ops members, created a 2nd dossier to be passed around. When the State Dept. passed the dossier to Steele, Steele in return gave them HIS copy of the Dossier, which eventually made it into the hands of John Kerry.
57.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

On October 11, 2016 Steele personally briefed the State Dept. The Deputy Asst. Sec. of State, took notes on the briefing. Her notes reveal the FBI knew in advance of submitting their FISA applications, Steele was hired by the DNC.
58.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The notes taken during the State Dept. briefing reveal Steeles client, the DNC, wanted the Dossier released prior to the election. Also, that the Russian operatives were coming from the Russian consulate in Miami... which does not exist
59.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Steele, whom the FBI had on payroll, was also being paid by the DNC, who had political motives, and without a doubt was presenting false information.
60.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

The FBI was aware of all this, and KNOWINGLY still obtained a FISA warrant on Carter Page, 10 days after Steele met with the State Dept. and urged them to take it, and leak it to the public, as a means to effect the November election.
61.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Steele reveled two of his sources at the State Dept. briefing where Kathleen Kavalec recorded the names.
Former Director of Russian Intel - Vyacheslav Trubnikov
Former Deputy PM/Putins Personal Adviser - Vladislav Surkov
62.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

HRC team knew they had to submit their claims to the court, as Admiral Roger's discovered the FBI illegally gave contractors access to raw FISA data. The submission had to be done before Admiral Rogers compliance audit was completed.
63.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

DNI Director Clapper, recommended to Obama that Admiral Rogers be fired. All as a means to cover up their excessive FISA abuse regarding 702 queries.
64.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Assistant AG & Head of The DOJ Nat Sec Division, John Carlin, submitted the govt proposed 2016 702 certifications. Carlin was aware of Adm Rogers audit & excessive use of 702 queries, hid that info from the court & resigned the next day
65.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Lisa Page testified that Carlin was briefed on the FBI's investigations by McCabe. Carlin's lies by omission, allowed the warrant to be obtained illegally, 3 days before Admiral Rogers informed the court of the FISA abuse.
66.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Donald Trump won the presidency, which would then give him access to all the intelligence gathered, thereby exposing all the crimes and criminal activities committed by Team Hillary.
67.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Had Hillary Clinton won the presidential election, the election interference, the excessive abuse of FISA and data collection, the collusion with foreign governments, and the massive Deep State network would have never been exposed.
68.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Hillary did not give a concession speech the night of the election, because she met with other DS actors, to devise a new plan to remove Trump, in a panic, by any means necessary.
69.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

After Trump won the election, they quickly had to pick a new target to entrap. General Michael Flynn. Well, we know what's happening with this case, and information is being declassed in regards to the Flynn case as we speak.
70.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

You see, the reason this is the greatest political scandal in history, is because it implicates so many people. When Q says FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE, do you understand now how serious this crime is?
71.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

It was a deliberate attempt, and a strategic effort against the interests of every American citizen. Admiral Rogers is a hero who should be credited for saving our country!
72.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Because under 18 U.S. Code CHAPTER 115—TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES, the greatest mass treason event of all time occurred.
73.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

Top officials in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI, The Mueller Special Counsel, NSC, Congress, The Fake News, Foreign Gov't, Foreign Intel Agencies, DNC, State Dept., FISA courts, HRC, The Obama Administration can & will, all be held accountable.
74.) Why is SPYGATE/FISAGATE so serious???

It is the single most, largest, widespread, mass high level treason event of ALL-TIME! That's why.

It's not about Trump, it is about not exposing their treasonous behavior prior to the 2016 election & ongoing. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1260156226224128000?s=19
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