I used to think that I was always one “big break” away from making it. If I could just sell out House of Blues we will get signed. If I can just get a song on The Simpsons, that will surely be the life-changer. And certainly if I get a Grammy nom, I will have finally made it. 1/3
All of those things happened, but none of them were really my “big break.” Those little wins paid bills, opened the next door, led to the next relationship, and kept me in the game. And today I have a career in the music biz doing what I love, and making a living doing it. 2/3
I never had one “big break,” rather lots of little breaks that help me make a living making music. That works for me!

To anyone chasing a dream, stop looking for the big break. Keep doing the work, enjoy the little breaks, and before you know it you just might have a career. 3/3
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