I would like a history of buildings that have been moved. Whether the Manchester pub that moved twice, houses they get hoisted onto trains, this house. https://twitter.com/areasvellas/status/1261937353406533632
Everytime i encounter another story or image of a building being re-located I think to make a list of them all and do something with it. Then forget until the next time. So if you want to post your favourite moved buildings in this thread, you can do my research for me, thanks.
Once you have sent me all your references, I can turn it into a book. One half can be buildings that moved horizontally, then the second half ones that moved vertically. Or whole cities, like the raising of Chicago in the 1850s
"that pub in Manchester" I mentioned. In 1974 The Old Wellington Inn was raised 2m to be level with the new Arndale Shopping Centre, then after the '96 IRA bomb it was taken to pieces & rebuilt by Ian Simpson 70m away.
Alba Iulia, Romania, 1987.
The Indiana Bell Telephone building was rotated in 1930 to free up space on the plot for a new building.
Ceaușescu loved moving buildings in the 1980s, Bucharst churches were moved as the city was redesigned.

Here is the key reference. When the Empire State Building was moved because "the whole area was being demolished to make way for new development, but we couldn't bring the Empire State down could we? No Sir"
Sorry to report that it didn't go well when they moved the Empire State Building though!
It's all very Fitzcarraldo
And obvs Archigramy
Add some Miyazaki by way of Wynne Jones.
On a side, last year i flicked through this book on architecture that revolves, which is fascinating: https://www.papress.com/html/product.details.dna?isbn=9781568986814&opX0
Just reminded by @UrbanFoxxxx that Kiruna in Sweden is being moved at the ciost of a billion dollars, paid for by the Iron Ore company whose mine is undermining the city. Most being demolished, but some rolled elsewhere.

Courtesy of @prairieskool92, enjoy this timelapse of a theatre in Minneapolis being shunted down the road to make way for an entertainment complex, which presumably had no need for a theatre...
I have just been pointed towards this 1992 episode of Lovejoy, "Highland Fling", by @robotmaths which I can only assume was what inspired Aldo Rossi to create Theatre of the World!
The late Mike Kelley's "Mobile Homestead", an @Artangel project, deserves an honourable mention. The clapboard facade detaches from the structure in Detroit and travels around communities for social good.
Some good ol' Amish barn carrying:
I'm going to have to make this book now, aren't I! 🙄

Publishers, queue up to fight each other, advances welcome ATM. Thanks.
San Francisco, 1908, courtesy of @areasvellas via @ClancyAndrew
Moving houses https://twitter.com/JanFredrikD/status/1268270255509512193?s=19
this. ht @gamesl10n
There is building moving going on RIGHT NOW
and the FLW klaxon https://twitter.com/SaveWrightFLWBC/status/1285566895257800704?s=19
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