•Children can transmit CV19
•1,000 CV19 droplets can survive in air of a classroom for 8 minutes just from 1 person talking
•5,000 UK kids CV19+, 500 hospitalised, 14 dead
•75 teaching staff died of CV19 in Mar & Apr
•2 UK kids have died from Kawasaki (MIS-C), 100+ infected
This is particularly unintelligent. The virus spreads metres in the air with 1,000 Coronavirus droplets just from 1 person talking in the classroom. The cloud survives 8 minutes. Coronavirus won’t understand the rule that it has to stop at the yellow line & not infect your child.
Test & Trace provides 0.0% comfort to a parent sending their child to school. Asymptomatic kids can get Kawasaki (MIS-C) 6 weeks later. 1 infected person talking in classroom can infect entire class and in minutes by spreading their air droplets around the classroom.
In China the children have plexi screens around each desk & all children wear masks in the classroom. The teacher has a plexi screen at the front and even when talking wears a mask. This makes it harder for virus to travel in air droplets from teacher to children & vice versa
Take a look at this for example. In China each child goes through this routine before they enter the classroom. They get a new mask at the end to wear in the class. Their desk is fitting with plexi. Do you hear a single UK Frontbench MP pushing for this?
And those Plexi Screens I mentioned. Look how Chinese school children eat their lunch. Again lowering chances of air clouds of CV19 infecting them. No UK front bench MP is calling for this for your children.
So the frustration isn’t just that they send teachers into school to face infection it’s also that they are doing it in an especially unintelligent way & not a single front bench MP is calling this out. I’ve said many times. Let us please copy what other countries get right.
Evidence for above claim Coronavirus droplets from talking can survive and spread around the air in a classroom for 8+ minutes.
And evidence that children can transmit Coronavirus as claimed above. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.27.20076778v1
Evidence that 75+ Education & Childcare staff have died of Coronavirus.

•Teachers 43
•Teaching assistants 10
•Lollipop ladies 6
•Childminders 6
•Principals 4
•Nursery & play-workers 4
•School secretaries 2
Too dangerous to get on a swing but perfectly safe to cram into a classroom and receive virus infected clouds from your chattering class mates that can only survive indoors.
New research shows that a person speaking with a raised voice in a room can spread more than 1,000 droplets that suspend in the air for up to 8 minutes. [audio]. Classrooms are the perfect place to infect the maximum number of people.
You can read the full report about the dangers of air droplets from speech for yourself here: https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2020/05/12/2006874117
PE anyone? 112 people infected in a fitness dance class. 51% of infections transmitted from teacher to participants. They never met outside class. Symptoms developed less than 4 days later.
Less than 1/3 of poorer parents willing to send their children back to school

We’ve had a week of wealthy Earls, Barons & Lords lecture us on what poor people want. How about we give poor people a voice? For now, it is too dangerous to send children back to school [Source: IFS]
The government's own SAGE committee released their consensus view on what they think will happen when schools are reopened. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/873746/11-spi-m-o-consensus-view-on-the-impact-of-mass-school-closures.pdf
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