When I joined Twitter this March, I read lots tweets about China from western medias or personal person.
I am shocked.😮
It’s 2020, but lots people know nothing about China, even China had become the second largest economic entity in the world.
So I want to show a real China.
My Aussie friends always ask me, what’s the weather like in China.
Well, it depends.
The edge of south area is warm while edge of north area freezing.
And we have 56 nationals with different culture but inner combined.
I will update a long tweets to show each 34 areas of China.
This is #Harbin HeiLongJiang province capital city, #China
It is located in north east, which is very cold and freezing.
But you will have fun with snow and ice.
Enjoy the ice world in lightning show, and lost in a fairytale castle.
This city combines modern and ice fun.
This is #ChangChun JiLin province capital city #China
It’s is located in north east.
When I was a child, I always watch cartoons made by ChangChun film studio.
It is also a commercial manufacture city.
From this video, you can see the cars, the bullet trains are made in here.
This is #ShenYang LiaoNing province capital city #China
It is located in north east.
You may heard of forbidden city of BeiJing, there is an other forbidden city in ShenYang.
From this video, you will know how classic and technical ShenYang is.
Never miss out this wonderful city.
This is #Hohhot Inner Mongolia province #China
Actually, even Chinese lots thought people in Hohhot live on the grass land, daily shepherd, sleep in tents.
This video made by a personal vloger, to tell the others they are not sleep in tents.
Very cute and knowledgeable video.
This is #KunMing YunNan province capital city #China
It’s located in west south.
🌸This is a city with 4 seasons spring, flowers blooming all the year.
Fresh air, wonderful landscapes, modern style life, natural beauty, all these you can discover from KunMing.
Enjoy this video.
This is #ChengDu SiChuan province capital city #China
It’s located in south west.
🐼You know panda, hometown in SiChuan.
ChengDu is the most relaxing city in China with high level economic.
People there love playing MaJiang, an ancient game but still popular nowadays.
Food spicy.
This is #Nanjing Jiangsu province capital city #China
It’s located in East, the rich area of China.
Somebody thought China is a poor country, I laughed.
Take deep breath, just watch, and admire this busy amazing rich city.
If you like modern life, never miss out Nanjing.
This is #Urumqi Xinjiang province capital city #China
Poor? Backward? Barbarous?
Open eyes, watch this.
Nobody want to see Urumqi be destroyed by terrorism.
Why should U.S. be allowed to fight terrorism, but Chinese government is not be allowed to fight terrorism in Xinjiang?
This is #Hangzhou Zhejiang province capital city #China located in east.
You may know @JackMa, Alibaba, hometown is Hangzhou.
Hangzhou combined top technical high economic and stunning classic landscapes.
We have phrases say there’s a heaven in sky, there’s a Hangzhou on ground.
This is #Fuzhou Fujian province capital city #China located in south east.
Fujian and #Taiwan face each other across the sea. They have similar population land-size and dialect.
Fuzhou is more advanced at least 15 years than #Taipei, which is the capital city of Taiwan.
This is #Changsha Hunan province capital city #China located in south.
Changsha is Mao Zedong’s hometown, who is the founder of people’s republic of China.
Hunan province is not on the top economic list of China, youth in there study harder to change better lives.
This is #Nanchang Jiangxi province capital city #China located in south.
Nanchang is not on top economic list of China, but still full of vitality.
There are both tall buildings and gathering streetside life.
TengWangGe, the attics which was built more than 1,000 years ago.
This is #Lhasa, capital city of #Tibet
Tibetan people there live a peaceful and morden civilization life.
All these are under China’s development, leading by CPC.
The Tibetan people can choose their beliefs and they are no longer serfs to the Dalai Lama.
This is #Taiyuan Shanxi province capital city #China
There are two Shanxi provinces in China, one is famous for coal, one famous Terra-Cotta Warriors.
Here is the coal Shanxi province, located in the middle.
From this video, you can see the daily normal life live in Taiyuan.
This is #Zhengzhou Henan province capital city #China located in the middle.
You may heard of Shaolin Kong fu, shaolin temple is in Henan.
Zhengzhou is an important transportation center.
This city has long history, which is regarded as the source of China's urban civilization.
You can follow @Xi_Fan.
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