
People of all races, across world are waking up to the lies; incitement to hate, prioritising some cultures over others.

We must rely on ourselves & put Whites first, like every other race. But still good to acknowledge those supporting us & fighting back for their own.
1/ "Hate crimes were invented to harshly, unfairly and unequally punish those who do not enjoy victim status (whites) ... "

@MillerStream is 100% correct.
2/ "I'm finding out the real racism is coming from Black folk."


Look at the support his post has got.
3/ Brandon Tatum speaks out on how the press ignores Black on White crime, and how there's no outrage for Black and Black crime.
4/ And he gets support from Black people.
5a/ Story in three parts from India [or Britain 😳]

We really are not alone.

"... starts legal campaign to stop the Muslim takeover of the food industry."
5b/ Hindu nationalist - Halal must be banned.

Hindu country; Hindu rules.
5c/ " ... majority suffers and pay taxes but minority enjoy the benefits of being so called minority ..."

"Yeh, but you voted for it."

All from India, but could be almost any Western nation.
6/ Hindu nationalist Umesh Thakur, supporting White nationalists and White people.

7/ Frank Raymond who's of East Indian ethnicity now living in Canada describes what is happening to White Canadians and Whites in general with insight and humanity.

Do watch.

Thank you @hvitalfr
8/ As Black as the Ace of Spades and @JLPtalk wants America to stay White. The "whiter the better".

9/ CJ Pearson played a leading role in exposing the lies about the #Covingtonboys and holding the guilty to account.
10/ "We have to stop sanitizing Black people and demonising Whites."

Yes, talks about oppression but rejects our enemy's narrative of 'evil Whitey'.
11/ Thank you @DavidJHarrisJr
12/ Blacks fighting back from being repeatedly shoved into being "oppressed".

"I'm Black, I'm not oppressed"
14/ Stop apologising for being White says Black women.
16/ Thread on the experiences of a Black women in Britain.
17/ Are US Police officers racist? The crux of the #BLM protests (riots). The media evades the question.

Thanks @harvingtonTR
18/ Bit of a tangent, but makes you think.

Thanks @MrAndyNgo
19/ This thread show's it's no longer Black against White.

It's folk who understand against folk who remain wilfully ignorant or are too deep in the matrix.

Our enemy is losing control of the narrative. Exploit that anyway you can.

#BLM is one of the most disingenuous and counterproductive movements on earth.

#WhitePrivilege is fake. It's a racist idea.

21/ @ZubyMusic more knowledgeable and outspoken on groomimg gangs than many liberals in the UK.
22/Closer to home.

How awesome is it that @Rajxlion99x speaks out for me when I'm called a neonazi scumbag for posting #WeNeedToSeparate.

Thank you Raj 💕
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