• thread on '3 types of people, which one is you'•

hope you enjoy answering it :')
3 types of possessive friends:

1) are possessive but won't tell anyone cause it's weird

2) are not possessive because they know that their friendship won't get affected and they trust their friends

3) you talk to their friends nicely, they rip you off within seconds
3 types of people who believe in love

1) people who totally believe in love, fairytales, romantic movies etc and think same will happen with them

2) people who don't think it happens in real lives and think love is friendship

3) people who think love is a big scam
3 types of fandoms

1) supportive fandom which only concentrates on their loving faves

2) intelligent fandom which criticizes their own faves if they need any improvement

3) fandom which would rip you off if you say a word against their favourites, you CAN'T even try
-three types of book readers

1) ones who can pick up any novel and finish it on same day

2) ones who pick up a novel and read a part of it and decide if they want to continue or not

3) ones who search for spoilers before reading so they already know what's going to happen
3 types of people while preparing for their exams:

1) ones who revise a lot and have gone through all parts of syllabus

2) ones who are thorough with only few chapters and leave other parts

3) ones who study one night before the exam on basis of last year question papers
3 types of desi mums

1) does bezati of their own kids in front of everyone but still loves them

2) praises their kids in front of everyone but scold them at home non stop

3) does not talk about their kids in front of anyone cause nazar lag jayegi 😂
3 types of kids to their parents:

1) the kids who listen to their parents properly and act accordingly

2) the kids who do not listen to their parents at all and are rebellious

3) the kids who listen to what their parents have to say respectfully but STILL act as they want to
3 types of teachers

1) the teachers who are fun are know all the gossips of students

2) the teachers who tell all the gossip of their own life to students

3) the teachers who come to teach and aren't interested in any gossips because they're in love with their work
3 types of siblings:

1) the kinda sibling who is very understanding and would support you throughout

2) the sibling who makes fun of you, prank you and create troubles for others with you

3) the sibling who you have to take care of and teach manners to because they're babies
3 types of people while dealing with problems:

1) people who go crazy, don't know how to handle stuff at all

2) people who get stressed but handle their problems their own way

3) people who have imagined worst situations so they are really chill and solve problems patiently
3 types of people who are interested in Politics:

1) who are interested because they support someone/party

2) who are interested in World Politics and want to know what's happening

3) who are interested in Politics only around their location cause they only need development
3 types of people who fall asleep:

1) who fall asleep the moment they get in bed

2) who fall asleep but after making sure they've replied to all messages

3) who can fall asleep if they try but they want to read a book or watch some series and end up waking up whole night
3 types of people who cook:

1) the ones who love cooking and want to learn about making new stuff each day

2) the ones who like cooking but their basics only

3) the ones who hate cooking and are forced to learn how to cook, might even say " what cooking? I only love eating"
3 types of people with their feelings towards Astrology:

1) "I don't believe in astrology, hardwork is the only option"

2) "I think it might be true at some places but I'm not sure, I only watch for memes"


Okay guys thank you so much for taking this thread, I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU ALL TAKING TIME TO REPLY ❤️
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