In this new age, we all need to assess and manage risk. There is an argument that this "just" requires common sense and personal responsibility. However, there are issues e.g. the nature of the risk, cognitive bias, constrained choices, delayed consequences and externalities.
The virus itself is unseen. So outside the home it would be safest to assume all surfaces and all people were infected, clearly not practical. We are not all at equal risk. Some unmodifiable factors (e.g. sex & ethnicity) mean by doing daily work some take more risk than others.
Cognitive bias reflects how we think about the world. The main bias may be "what I see is all there is". You can't see who coughed on fruit in the supermarket. Your boss may not understand the nature of your commute. None of us can really see the danger around us.
You can't take personal responsibility without autonomy. Some people can work when and where they like. Others need childcare support. Others aren't in a position to negotiate terms with their employer. Of course, many also need the world to open up so they can earn a living.
Choices and freedom to choose work best with quick feedback. In this case the consequence of our choices is delayed and uncertain. We can't really know in real time what choices are sensible and which risks have been balanced. You won't be ill for days or see who you infected.
Externality is when one person's choice affects another person. Pollution is the classic example. What's good for you may be bad for me. Vaccination (when available) is a positive externality - the pain of your jab helps me.
In summary, we are all in this together. We need adequate resources (e.g. income, PPE, testing kit), uncommon sense and collective responsibility. We can't necessarily rely on individual choices leading to the best societal outcomes. Take care - stay home - wash your hands.
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