1/ I'm a huge fan of Process Philosophy as the catalyst of a paradigm shift.
Rather than seeing things as static objects, Process Philosophy sees reality as a set of dynamic processes & relationships that are in constant flux.

Stanford Encyclopedia entry:
2/ Alfred North Whitehead's "Process & Reality" was a big catalyst for process philosophy & relational metaphysics, but his work is dense & difficult to wrap your mind around with all of his neologisms & unconventional use of terms.
A good overview here:
3/ Whitehead thought of his system as the "philosophy of organism," & there are some in the philosophy of biology who are arguing to take a more process philosophy & relational approach.

Here's an open access book from Oxford University Press on it:
4/ There's an introductory "Manifesto for Processual Philosophy of Biology" critiquing Whitehead's full metaphysical system, which is dense & confusing.

But there are many powerful & robust aspects of a process/relational metaphysics beyond Whitehead.
5/ There's a lot of insights into virtual reality & human perception when taking a process/relational approach.
The predictive coding theory of neuroscience maps out a dialectic between our concepts/language making predictions about embodied experiences: https://twitter.com/kentbye/status/1239750996240117760
6/ @grantmaxwell is a philosopher who traced the evolution process thinking ranging from Hegel, James, Jung, Whitehead, Bergson, Gebser, Bohm, Taylor, Hillman, Grof, & Tarnas in his "Dynamics of Transformation," which starts to flesh out a paradigm shift.
7/ Process Philosophy is a relatively nascent branch of philosophy & so still many open questions.
It's arguably closer to Chinese Philosophy metaphysics than the substance metaphysics of Western Philosophy in either the analytic or continental branches.
8/ Peter Simons argues in Metaphysical section of "Everything Flows" that process could be seen as fundamental.
Whitehead extrapolated from quantum mechanics & general relativity that reality was more about relationships & processes than concrete objects.
9/ F. Bradford Wallack argues in "The Epochal Nature of Process in Whitehead's Metaphysics" the subject-predicate structure of Indo-European languages wires us to think in terms of concrete & static objects rather than dynamic processes. Whitehead attempts to escape with jargon.
10/ Process philosophy is a huge topic beyond what I can convey here, but seeing reality as a hierarchy of dynamic process constantly in flux is a radical paradigm shift to seeing reality as static stuff.
It's helped me understand experiential entertainment & XR storytelling.
11/ I've found myself talking about Process Philosophy a lot more lately, & it's such a key part of my philosophical foundations for how I'm making sense of the future of immersive technologies.
I talked a bit of philosophy on the @BtweenRealities podcast:
12/ I had a chance to talk to a number of different process philosophers at the American Philosophical Association Eastern Meeting in 2019, & I hope to launch the inaugural season of Voices of Philosophy soon to dive into all of this in a bit more detail. https://twitter.com/kentbye/status/1201468123808817153
13/ Great video by the Cobb Institute @CIC4Process featuring process philospher Matt Segall @ThouArtThat talking about how Whitehead's process-relational metaphysics provides an alternative to the epicycle-like dark matter/energy hacks of modern cosmology
14/ Whitehead scholar @ThouArtThat talks with @gordon_white about Plato & Neoplatonism through the lens of Whitehead, process philosophy, & relational metaphysics.
Nice conversational exploration of the history of philosophy & alternatives to materialism.
15/ Attending a "Process Thought at a New Threshold" mini-conference at @CIC4Process this morning exploring how process-relational thought is being applied as an interdisciplinary philosophy ranging science, theology, ecology, & beyond.
Free link below:
16/ Panpsychic Process Philosopher @ThouArtThat interviewed Panpsychic Analytic Philosopher @Philip_Goff. They debated a Whiteheadian process-relational metaphysics vs substance metaphysics.
No one changed their mind, yet but it was an interesting overview
17/ I've been starting to articulate how I'm using Process Philosophy as the underlying metaphysical framework for my philosophy of experiential design & philosophy of technology.
It's one of many eclectic influences, but certainly one of the most radical: https://twitter.com/kentbye/status/1260266406341259267?s=19
18/ Here's the correct tweet that includes some of my philosophical influences + some screenshots from a recent talk that shows the influence of process-relational thinking: https://twitter.com/kentbye/status/1336137079672041473?s=19
19/ Because humans are complicated & unpredictable, then tech UI & UX or game design requires iterative testing to see how it modulates human consciousness. This type of cyclical thinking is more process-relational than the "waterfall" building of static objects, like buildings.
20/ The last 9 min of @swardley video is a great concise overview of his Wardley Mapping

Mapping tech stack value chain on Y-axis vs 4-phases of evolution on X-axis helps to visualize an app as ecosystem that's an evolving process.
21/ Hegel's dialectics are a key historical contributor to process philosophy (see photos)

Tech has inherent tradeoffs between dialectics such as closed vs open or competitive vs cooperative.
These polarities map the tech landscape
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