Right, starting today with @BeersManchester #AFriendaDay

The guy behind @salfordbeerfest but also 1 of the people it's a privilege to know & call a mate.

He's the main reason I've met so many great beery people over the last few years.

Love the guy ❤

Today's #AFriendaDay is @katebrinkmcr

She's had a v tough time recently but always manages to pick me up when I'm down, mainly through an ingrained sense of silliness :-)

She's an avid Cliff appreciator & Crack Fox aficionado but also one of the best mates you could wish for ❤
Today's #AFriendaDay is the Wolverhampton wanderer (he occasionally ends up in Bristol 😂) @ckdsaddlers.

He's an absolute pleasure to be around (when he can stay awake), is one of the most kind-hearted people I know, and knows his beery arse from his beery elbow.

Cheers mate 🍻
Bit late due to *reasons* but the next #AFriendaDay is @_lowest01.

First met Steve in Track brewery what must be 5 years ago. Always loved his company & some of the best, and funniest, days out have involved him.

He's also been a great friend recently. Love the guy ❤
Next #AFriendaDay is @JoxSocial. I've known Jock for a few years now & he's a witty bugger. A perfect person to sit next to in a pub :-)

He's also in my favourite beer memory after having to lift him out of an empty hotel bath after a long day at East West fest 😂. Lovely fella.
Today's #AFriendaDay is the inimitable @AdlingtonBeerC! The poo handler in chief & my Fog brother (after brewing the best batch EVER at Rivvy for ISBF)

He's got an innate silliness in his humour, dodgy taste in shirts, helps out at ISBF every year, & is a pleasure to be around😊
I know you've all been waiting for it, so todays #AFriendaDay is @jazzyjollyjaunt!

A sometimes elusive creature (occasionally found in PSBH😉) but always great to be in his company.

A fountain of knowledge on Manchester beer & pubs, & a great laugh to share a drink with 🍻
Next up on #AFriendaDay is @tweggs. Andy is a bit of a design genius, occasional Stan cuddler, Urmston beer evangelist & also one of the nicest people you could meet.

Spent a lovely evening with him not too long before lockdown & it was a blast.

Top man 😍
Onwards. Today it's @m28jeff in #AFriendaDay.

I first met Jeff at ISBF2 as he came around doing the raffle. But I've had so many great days out with him since. Love just sitting in the pub & chatting rubbish ;-)

N.B. I've still not forgiven him for threatening to beat up Stan😂
Forza. Today's #AFriendaDay is @maxistar70. A person who it's impossible to be around & not feel happy :-)

Such a generous person, a great laugh, & who apparently knows everyone who lives in Greater Manchester judging by the times she gets stopped for a chat by people ;-) ❤
We continue. Today's #AFriendaDay is everyone's favourite street food magician Jimmy @NasiLemak_MCR!

One of my fave memories was Jimmy kindly cooking for us at home - the beef shortribs were sublime 😍

But it's always a pleasure to spend time with him over a beer. Lovely chap👍
The beat goes on. Today it's the turn of @Lin46 as #AFriendaDay.

Another ISBF stalwart, avid library botherer, & one of the organisers for Bolton beer fest.

Had some great days out & love catching up with Linda while she's out supporting local pubs & breweries. She's a star :-)
The wheel keeps turning. After Linda yesterday it's only right to have @PeteKobryn666 as the next #AFriendaDay.

Here he is in his natural habitat of the brewtap ;-) Always enjoyed our little chats when we went for a smoke and can't wait to catch up with over a pint eventually👍
A rolling stone gathers no moss. So today's #AFriendaDay is @slimwhiteduck!

The Peter Pan of the @petersgate_tap & one of the regulars who make it one of my 'locals'

A cracking laugh & a top mate even when him & his crew are talking over everyone at our regular zoom quizzes 😂
The world keeps turning. So another #AFriendaDay. 1st met @thegreatcubbio at ISBF 2-3 years ago & had some great days out since

Phil is the guy behind a months long & relentless campaign to get Marble's Damage Plan rebrewed as Cubbio Damage

He's a top chap & a great hugger ;-)
Keep on truckin'. Saturday's #AFriendaDay is @lukemrcarter!

Keen homebrewer (this isn't his homebrew kit - he's not that keen 😉), one of the Petersgate Tap regulars & a lovely bloke to spend time with over a few pints.

He's been a top friend to me the last year. Cheers mate 🍻
Insert coin to continue. Another #AFriendaDay and it's @cranksncasks!

Part of the Petersgate massive, onesie wearer extraordinaire on our zoom quizzes, and a super friendly person to boot :-)

Always enjoy spending time with Alice and talking nonsense ;-)

Encore. Today's #AFriendaDay is @DeDolleDes.

A walking Belgian beer encyclopedia & a man who's taught me a lot about top beers & breweries I'd not heard of.

He's also great company :-)

Here he is doing what he does best, generously sharing some rare, aged nonsense or other ;-)
Progress. This time it's @Goodfordshire on #AFriendaDay!

1 of the friendliest & funniest people I know & an expert homebrewer to boot. Love bumping into Simon at beery events & we spent a cracking afternoon in R2BC in Jan. He's also a certified Stan Fan.

A truly top geezer :-)
Tick tock. Another #AFriendaDay and it's @geordiemanc70!

John has been a good mate recently and was a big part of one of the best beery weekends away I've been on in Newcastle.

One of the organisers of Chorlton beer fest and a proper good chap to have a beer with 👍
Advance. The next #AFriendaDay is @Cazoline71.

Caz knows her beer but also has the added advantage of being a good laugh to be around :-)

It's been great to (socially distantly) meet Caz a couple of times recently & look forward to that happening with a pint of cask in hand 🍻
Moving on. This time it's @jamesksowerby on #AFriendaDay.

Keith (aka the beast of yeast) is a keen homebrewer, supports the funky side of beer & is the only person barred from the @Rivvybrewtap 😂

I do like seeing Keith both in person & our little interactions on here. Top chap
Press start to continue. Today's #AFriendaDay is @Jobjohn!

First met John in Poynton and he's a lovely bloke. I will always remember his lunges at various brew taps ;-)

Cheers John 🍻
En marche! Another day, another friend #AFriendaDay. It's the inestimable @Filrd!

Purveyor of some of the 👍 beers around @otterstears (my wallet is still recovering from an early lockdown order 😂) & a lovely bloke to spend time with :-)

No pic of Phil so had to improvise ;-)
Momentum. For todays #AFriendaDay it's @barrelagedleeds!

Met Gareth a few times now & he's one of those people you get on with instantly. Which is the ultimate sign of a good person.

Loved his company at @EastWestFest last year - and he clearly loved the Orval we drank 😂🍻
Time keeps ticking. So today's #AFriendaDay is @RichardWickison.

I got to know Richard through various trips to the Petersgate Tap. A great person to have a pint and chat a load of rubbish with at the bar ;-)

Cheers Richard! 🍻
Keep on keeping on. Another #AFriendaDay & this time it's @EstyGrindon.

First met Esther in Vinehop in Poynton but only because she'd seen Stan at various beer events & wanted to meet him 😂

A great person to spend time with & had some brilliant beery days out in the past👍🍻
Time flies. So it's another #AFriendaDay.

First met @Beardosaurus81 at Runaway brewery 5/6 years ago when he was working at Manc Airport which feels eons ago.

Had a nice chat recently outside the Crown & Kettle - always loved his deadpan humour & sharing a laugh over a pint 🍻
Another Friday. So another #AFriendaDay.

It's Scott from @HouseofHopsM27! Met Scott at MBCF a few years back, through @DeDolleDes, & he's just one of those super friendly people.

& that really comes across at HoH, 1 of the best bars in Gtr Manc.

Look forward to 🍻 there again!
Motion. It's time for #AFriendaDay!

After Scott it had to be Claire @HouseofHopsM27. No photo so a pic of Stan being fussed over & a busy mid-Jan bar will have to do to show what a lovely person she is😊

A top reason to go is just to have a silly laugh with her over the bar🍻😂
A rolling stone gathers no moss. So it's #AFriendaDay time.

Known Mike @frednfrank for a while now & he's a lovely chap :-)

A highlight of ISBF6 was a mad dash with Mike (& a few others) to Marble tap inbetween Friday sessions, more beer & an impromptu brewery tour. Top day😂🍻
One foot in front of the other. Today's #AFriendaDay is @daveratkins.

It's always a pleasure to see the Lord of Lambic, usually when he's brought some rarity or other to the @Beernomicon bottle share :-)

Top man - looking forward to when a few bottles can be shared once again🍻
To infinity and beyond. It's another #AFriendaDay & it's the Somerset Cider Fiend @markthegasman! Had some good beer festival days out at ISBF & East West with Mark (despite his habit for surreptitious pics & videos 😂).

Always a pleasure to take the mickey out of each other ;-)
Missed one due to meeting friends in real life :-). But onwards with #AFriendaDay.

Think I 1st met John @JMRogers2000 at ISBF (that right John?) but bumped into each other many times at various events

I ❤ John's enthusiasm & his eternal, righteous love for @RunawayBrewery ;-)
The show goes on. So it's #AFriendaDay time.

And it's Pirate Pete @PeterDerrick! An absolutely smashing lad who it was always a pleasure to bump into at the Brink.

I think some of the genuinely funniest nights out I've ever had have involved this chap.

Cheers matey 🍻😘
As night follows day it's another #AFriendaDay.

& it's @alldoomandgloom! Ross isn't just a premium #content generator but also a great person to share a few beers with. The @Beernomicon bottles shares were always a highlight last year (despite his pouring technique😉)

Cheers 🍻
Like clockwork it's #AFriendaDay time.

And it's the little rascal @seanyturner. A brilliant laugh, a top tier Stan Fan, and black pudding aficionado 😂

Another person who made @BrinkMCR such a great place to have a few beers.

Future pints are a must :-)
The show must go on. Today's #AFriendaDay is @CloningPandas.

No pic of Paul but I do have some top memories of sharing a few pints of Pint at the Marble Arch* in the not too distant past

A lovely man - we'll put the world to rights 1 day mate ;-)

*Looks wistfully out of window
Travelling on. It's #AFriendaDay time & it's none other than the dapper DIPA sipper @yesaleblog!

1st met Dave in the Marble Arch a few years ago (where he was kind enough to share some ace homebrew). A great guy to have a chat with but also a sartorial sensation🕺

Cheers Dave🍻
The hamster keeps running so the wheel keeps turning. Yes, it's #AFriendaDay time and it's @Gazmonst!

Brink supremo, a proper, proper good laugh & generous to a fault. Always cheered me up going into Brink & seeing him behind (or as often in front of) the bar ;-)

Cheers Gaz🍻
Forward march. So it's #AFriendaDay time & it's @MarshallRCarl.

He's always reaching out to people on here, is a positive light in the twitter gloom, & he posts cute pictures of his rabbits 🐇😍

He's also a thoroughly nice & funny chap in real life :-)

Cheers mate 🍻
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