Dissecting Boruto Uzumaki’s personality (or why Boruto is not a Naruto’s clone, thread):
One of the main appeals of the series is Boruto himself. Naruto was great for its characters (especially Naruto and Sasuke imo) and Boruto follows the same path.
Boruto is a pretty complex, relatable, and dynamic character.
At first glance, it’s easy to believe Boruto and Naruto are similar. And in a way, they are. Naruto is his father. They share the same values.
Just like him, Boruto can be kind and friendly. He attracts people easily and has this power to change their hearts.
As a small kid, Boruto adored his family, especially his father. Then Naruto became Hokage and had less time for them. To gain back his father’s attention, Boruto started to act out and was full of anger.
Now, he wasn’t only upset for himself but for Himawari in particular. In his eyes, the whole family suffered from Naruto’s actions.
We know Naruto missed at least two of his birthdays and yet he didn’t really say anything until Himawari’s birthday.
In the same vein, during Parent and Child Day, he didn’t hesitate to let Himawari have Naruto the whole day, showing us that he can be selfless.
Anyway, it was evident that Boruto didn’t know his father anymore and vice versa, Naruto didn’t understand Boruto either. Their relationship was strained and awkward.
Now since the chunin exam, they both made effort to fix this and we know Boruto grew a lot.
Now, Boruto is a bit of an over-thinker and self-sabotaging. While Naruto always been very confident in himself, Boruto can be terribly insecure. He fears failure.
During the chunin exam, he would give up before even trying.
His insecurities and desire of being acknowledged by his father leaded him to cheat. The tipping point was when he thought Sasuke rejected him as a student because his Rasengan wasn’t good enough.
At this point, he believed that anything he would do would be useless.
Despite being perfectly capable, Boruto didn’t believe his own powers and skills would be enough. It made him an easy prey for Katasuke to manipulate. And even then, he was terribly unsure.
Yet, Sasuke’s words let him overcome his issues. Boruto didn’t believe him at first but the fight against Momoshiki helped him gain confidence. With the Vanishing Rasengan, he finally understood his values. Like Naruto, Sasuke was crucial to his character.
+ This bratty phrase came to an end. He finally found a drive and goal in life. That’s what we call great character development. 👏👏
Overall, Boruto is more laid back and calm. He only wants to walk his own path in life and give the better of himself, regardless of others.
Indeed, with Naruto and Sasuke, it was a constant competition between the two (ex: tree training).
While we saw Kawaki that Boruto is not really a competitive person. He doesn’t hesitate to help Kawaki during his training. At this point, he doesn’t mind Kawaki being stronger.
Boruto doesn’t seek anyone's approval (except his father, for a time). He is fine progressing as his own rhythm. This is one of the key differences with Naruto. Naruto was very goal-driven and viewed everything as a step closer to his Hokage goal.
But because of his personality and his disregard for the Hokage job, Boruto doesn’t care about being the strongest. All he wants is to protect the Hokage and the village without necessarily seeking glory (basically walk Sasuke’s path).
Boruto is not easily baited and doesn’t lose his cool easily. Insults don’t get to him. He tends to avoid useless fights.
Yet, he can be reckless if anyone close to him is in danger like against Delta or Boro.
The kid is also pretty smart but lacks rigor (or used to). His mathematic skills are the perfect proof of this. He is very good at solving equations but prefer to use his own unconventional method.
His strategy against Ao proved that he can also use his head during fights.
While Naruto always respected Konoha’s laws, Boruto can sometimes break them to see the world. He left the village twice without authorization. The first time to find Mitsuki and the second time, only because he wanted to be trained by Sasuke and got tired of waiting.
Boruto also tends to internalize a lot. He keeps important things to himself which can be pretty frustrating. It also goes for his feelings.
While Naruto is blunt and has no problem saying what is on his mind, Boruto can be more introverted sometimes and secretive.
To make short, he is easily broody and a bit of a tsundere.
Some may call him lazy (and maybe it’s a bit true) but we also know Boruto trains a lot. Otherwise he wouldn’t be where he is. Most of his jutsu, he learned them on his own.
And we know he focus on mission and gives his all. He can now afford to be this way.
Like Hinata, Boruto can also be surprisingly shy. This kid blushes A LOT.
To end this thread, I would say the writing may be sometimes a bit inconsistent when it comes to his character but one thing is sure, Boruto is still bound to change in the future. His personality during the flash forward seems already very different.
In conclusion, stan Boruto Uzumaki, a great and surprising MC who has its fair share of qualities and flaws.✌️✌️
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