A guide for new followers.

The number 1 cause of chronic disease, whether heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, gout, or almost anything you care to name, is insulin resistance.
What causes insulin resistance?

The mechanics are debated, but it's highly correlated to obesity, and in particular, visceral fat, which is body fat inside the abdomen.

You get excess visceral fat in a few ways.
Most prominently, by consuming sugar, refined carbs, and seed oils.

If you don't exercise while consuming these, then you've got a double whammy.
Highly processed foods, which most people eat sh*t ton of, are loaded with these ingredients.

First thing to deal with: get rid of these highly processed foods.
Also, stop eating all the time.

3 meals + snacks is a recipe for metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of insulin resistance, inflammation, and visceral obesity.
Eat meat, eggs, and other animal foods.

Ditch the donuts, pizza, bagels, chapattis, pasta, fries.

Ditch the soda and fruit juice.
Lift weights, or to use a technical term, do resistance training. With high intensity.

A couple times a week.
Fast intermittently.

Most people could stand to go 16 hours each and every day with no food. That includes sleep time.
*ditch highly processed food
*eat real whole foods
*don't eat all the time
*lift weights


*get some sun and fresh air

And you'll b e healthy.
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