Why haven't we seen any videos of people dropping to the ground in the Western world so heavily afflicted by #CoronaVirus?

Remember how widespread this was in #Wuhan in January?

Why do you think this is?

Will share more in thread.

#peepthedate #Epidemiology #COVID19 #Lockdown https://twitter.com/RFA_Chinese/status/1222027062770167808
The narrative was always, "Like a horror movie," or "ghost film"... Anyone who spent time online was likely to see at least one clip...

So why haven't we seen this in the #NYC, #London, etc #lockdown?

Mutation? Charades?

Aggregating below: https://twitter.com/Maheen83086711/status/1221883810381471753
Surely there are dozens of these clips from the #EU, #Italy, #Greece, #UKlockdown, et al?

I have been following #COVID19 since mid-January & mostly see this from #China.
I recall one or two from SE Asian region (will share all I've found as resource)

🤔 https://twitter.com/ICIQC01/status/1220388464119754759?s=20
Was this sensationalism, or was this happening?

Is this due to lack of treatment, stubbornness/refusal to rest?

Or is there something darker at play, here?

#coronavirus #CoronaDropping #Wuhan #Epidemiology #CCPVirus #covid19 https://twitter.com/rachadchahine/status/1220785179146563585?s=20
We've seen the bodybags, the forced arrests, the denial of the world's freedom of movement... but we still haven't seen American, British, or other nations collapse at these rates.. what is the root cause of this?

#CoronaVirus #FlattenTheCurve #control
No matter what the causation, correlation, or underlying actions at play....

People are #dying.

It is how they die that is of utmost importance in shifting the world back onto a semblance of historical normality.

#peepthedate #coronavirus #COVID19 #CCP https://twitter.com/Conflits_FR/status/1220397626245427200?s=20
We were warned by those braving #CCP retribution:

“ #Wuhan is like hell. You can see people drop dead on the street, helpless... It’s hard for me to put up this video, I might get arrested, but I think at some point one should tell the truth,"
#coronavirus https://twitter.com/Carmen_NgKaMan/status/1221124667408183297?s=20
The #CoronaOutbreak videos from #Wuhan are harder to find now, months afterwards (no surprise)..

But they exist, unlike the videos from elsewhere in the world.

You would think with millions #infected worldwide.. all we get is control.

#coronavirus https://twitter.com/indian_lineman/status/1221689796252200963?s=20
...we get internationally exported 5G:

#corona5g #5gcononavirus #5G #5Ghealth #5grollout #millimeterwave #mmw https://twitter.com/mattassmith/status/1248337758009069568
...we get emptied streets, and a hopeful shift towards returning to #nature.

#emptystreets #lockdown #CoronaLockdown #coronavirus https://twitter.com/LXAfd31G6VibugU/status/1231887436378247169
..we get internally displaced people fleeing 'infected' areas.

#Normal has been eradicated.

Fun: when a state tries to define what normal used to be, by quantified metrics.

#IDP #panic #coronavirus #CoronaLockdown #lockdown #COVID19 #CoVFeFe #hysteria https://twitter.com/LegaSalvini/status/1236442652402487301
Do you think we are at a point where we can start considering this may have been an intentional bio-attack?

Does anyone remember how heavy-hitters like #CharlesLieber-types involved faded quietly from the headlines?

Distracting with #riots, gaze shifts. https://twitter.com/mattassmith/status/1302869184225959937?s=20
What were you allowed to do, today?

At global ground zero of the #Coronavirus
In #Wuhan, China

They are throwing water-park raves.

#yearoftherat, fitting.

#communismkills #quarantine #lockdown #plandemic #suspicious #coronavideos #passingout #LaborDay2020 #CoronaMemes
Merry Christmas

As the United Kingdom legitimately cancels Christmas,

They are celebrating in Wuhan.

Because they're winning.

Please look deeper: https://twitter.com/fukushimaexpos2/status/1339951808471388160
Queueing up more fear. https://twitter.com/truthabtchina/status/1343451819222192129
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