4/30/95 William S. Lind penned “Militant Musings: From Nightmare 1995 to My Utopian 2050”. The op-ed published in The Washington Post described a future breakup of the United States; restoring traditional conservative values. Then came Victoria: A Novel of 4th Generation War.
“After 1965 and another war we disunited—deconstructed—with equal speed into blacks, whites, Hispanics, women, gays, victims, oppressors, left- handed albinos with congenital halitosis, you name it.
The homosexuals said, “silence
= death.” Nature replied, “diversity = war.”
“The revival of traditional, Western, Christian culture we began is spreading outward from our rocky New England soil, displacing savagery with civilization for a second time.”
“The good ladies of the League of militant Homemakers made sure women put duty to husbands and children first; those who refused so they could pursue a "career" were given a big embroidered "C" to wear over their left breast.”
In 1999 Lind claimed, “The real damage to race relations in the South came not from slavery but from Reconstruction, which would not have occurred if the South had won [the Civil War]”.

And then came Lind’s 4th generation ‘disinformation’ warfare. #4GW
William S. Lind and “Mental Warfare”: https://twitter.com/Whedon_MJ/status/1208884278202916864
Middle-East wars, a tale...”Let the worshippers of Mohammed kill each other. It need be none of your affair.”

Kaiser Wilhelm II, a tale...”Were he still in charge, the Fatherland would not be drowning itself in a sea of racial and religious sewage.”

William S. Lind and the “cultural Marxism theory” amplified by a successful disinformation campaign.
William S. Lind (and the late Paul Weyrich) “The Next Conservatism” #4GW

“There is no medium more conducive to propagandistic purposes than the moving image, and our movement must learn to make use of this medium.”
William S. Lind “taking America back” in his new “fiction” novel. (Same as the old fiction novel, but more “retro”...?)
‘The Integration of Theory and Practice: A Program for the New Traditionalist Movement’
by Eric Heubeck (btw, does Eric Heubeck exist? Where is he?)

“Our movement will be entirely destructive, and entirely constructive. We will not try to reform the existing institutions. We only intend to weaken them, and eventually destroy them.”

“We will maintain a constant barrage of criticism against the Left.”
“We will be results-oriented rather than good intentions-oriented. Making a good-faith effort and being sound will be less important than advancing the goals of the movement.”
Heritage Foundation co-founder, the late Paul Weyrich, collaborated with Hungarian Nazis. (Allegedly?)

In addition to his (alleged) Nazi activities, Paul Weyrich coined the term “Moral Majority.” (Although it was really a group effort.)
“That is until the Catholic, Paul Weyrich, met with the megachurch Baptist preacher, Jerry Falwell, and convinced Falwell to steer evangelicals to politics and specifically to the issue of abortion.” https://themcneal.com/tag/paul-weyrich/
And here’s where it gets more insidious...Opus Dei and their crusade to destroy personal liberties and institute thinly-veiled theocracy. They occupy positions at the highest levels of U.S. government and industry. https://twitter.com/Whedon_MJ/status/1228329297636663296
Paul Weyrich and Joseph Coors, the Vatican, Ronald Reagan, the CIA, Cheney, Rumsfeld, CIA Director George H.W Bush, Pat Buchanan...and government leaders everywhere...
Seven decades of government sanctioned disinformation, and here we are.

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