I've repeated stated that Trads are:-

1- Disingenuous
2- Unrealistic
3- Ignorant
4- Modi-worshippers
5- Insincere

That said, I see no reason to justify my position against person's rants but I will elaborate on my comments made to @ShinBwhoa https://twitter.com/Hastivarman/status/1258387957670502402
Let's say that back in 47, MB got a pang of conscience- or more likely, decided to give the finger to his homophobe handlers- & convinced the Bandit to go for full exchange. Gandu hears of this & has a stroke.

So they go for full exchange.

Then what? What changes?
The essential nature of the Government- a socialist tyranny- stays in place.

The essential nature of Indian society- Chaos wrapped in entropy- stays in place.

The Elites are venal, the Army hopeless, the Courts cretinous, & the laws overwrought & hopeless.
Possibly because of the lack of P influence & the lack of reasons for NATO or KGB to explore those fault lines, there is very little opposition to stuff like cow slaughter or building RJB.

Through that mode.

What doesn't change is the utilisation of such motifs against the Hs
Remember that no focussed opposition has had time to grow & mature in adversity all this time. There's no "threat" to Hs so no organisation has the incentive or motivation to rise.

What do rise are subaltern bodies & revisionists, all facilitated by the GITDs.
One by one, the NE goes the same way it did.

One by one, the districts in Central India go the way they did.

Note for yourself- just how many UP folk kept RJB in mind, refused to even wear shoes until 2019. What will happen if they'd worn them in 47? Then their kids found Marx?
Anger, Hatred, Disgust, Fear, Despair, Arrogance, Spite- all of these "negative" emotions are the foundation of Societies & in the absence of a structure that can constrain or be directed against, they act against oneself.

In the past, Dharma constrained it. But at what expense?
Dharma constrained these by encouraging decentralisation, discouraging hoarding, reducing absolutist power, & stocking surpluses in temples. All of which runs counter to a Nationalist Ethno-State.

But India isn't an Ethno-State, is it?
What the Hindu Republic would've seen is the proliferation of multifarious subaltern movements & communist parties, while the Rs steadily took over districts one at a time.

While Hs remain complacent under a 90+% blanket. Why not? No cows are killed. Kashi Mathura are ours also.
There's no initial impetus either- the groundwork of the HN movements were the continual humiliations directed against the state of the H, the manifold smoking riots & rebellions, & the pre-independence H Renaissance being sustained in mufti.

None of this has a reason to exist.
Infact now we will see that all constituent sections of H society will drift against Hs:-

Mid-wit high-T educated cohort- those we call Rayta- are not only less likely to approve of Hs, but also to openly associate with a mythical P past purely for contrarian reasons.
The entire OBC plank will choose to go the gibs route, on account of their absolute numerical majority over the Gens & Ds & lack of any threat of a P-D alliance.

Trads- insular & unconcerned about others- will focus on sectarian strife, or choose to flee soon.
The Ds, under stress from the OBC wing while being seduced by the Rs, will jump ship quietly & slowly.

Meanwhile, the greatest threat will strike in the 90s- Modernization.

Tell me? What is the average "woke young Hindu" like?
Most young Hs here- Rayta, Trad alike- was, or is, a cretinous degenerate who'd have been waving a rainbow flag while snorting alcohol & Daru if not for the fact that- for some reason- someone pointed out the fact that 18% of the land wants to make pyramids of their skulls.
How many of you were H from birth?

How many of you, when asked by your art teachers in KG for a motif, drew the Garudadhvaja?

How many of you wanted Saffron spreading across the globe, not because of others doing so, but because your ancestors did it?

Don't lie to yourself.
The West- despite the massive legacy of unparalleled freedom, extant cultural & historical motifs- has COMPLETELY collapsed in the face of Modernity.

Just what gives Trads the impression they'd be different? Fuckers, I know you. I likely converted many of you to Hinduism myself.
A H Republic would've ended up with no pan-India H bodies, no pan-India H awareness, nothing to counter or even raise awareness about R infiltration in society & government, unleased & unchecked degeneracy in every corner of society, the entire educated class against Hs. Forever.
Muzaffarnagar 2013 would've been between Jats & Rajputs. Godhra 2002 would've been between Banias & Ds. Demographic collapse would've come faster than now. There'd be no question of a H social media. There won't even be question of a H Worldview.

It might not, but it might too.
In pre-independence Lemuria, the subaltern movement ate the V1s alive. Made the entire lot refugees before the KP business in 89. What happens if a third of them aren't terrified of the Ps, a third held in fear of OBC wrath, & the biggest threat given full scope of gibs?
Literally not my point here.

If our society is rotting- both in this life and the one I described in another universe, it arises not on account of our enemies, but because of the typical modern H blindness to the fundamental nature of Society. https://twitter.com/winsomeaj/status/1258405424388177920?s=19
Some might argue about the economy.

Yes, very likely the economy would've worked- even if the gibs continue, you'd still have open positions where Ds quit & which have now been taken by Ps.

Maybe it'd have grown too thanks to less population.

But how? What happened in China?
The growth in China is partly because of a massive demographic bulge, driven by unmatched hedonism untempered by fear, complete deracination born of modernism, & unleashed hedonism on the scale the planet hasn't seen.

What makes you think H Republic would've been immune?
Even now you'd find some Corporates worrying that their people fear into go into P ghettos. What happens when there are no P ghettos for them to think about when it comes to RTing that "LGBT will destroy HR" post by one of the GITD lot?
We were born in this World, at the end of all things, & it is up to us to respect it since that's our lot in life. That a Collapse is upon us is unquestionable & so is the fact that our cards are grim. Here the least we can do is not larp like a fucktard cribbing from PUA sites.
Here there is a massive movement with dozens, if not hundreds, of members & seemingly all seem to have decided to hang themselves over a tea-seller.

Meanwhile, where's the book, H Twitter? Where's the book we've been hearing about since 2016?

What do we have instead?



Fuckers, you'll shit yourself if you show your face near my farm. That's how powerless you are. Killing one unarmed H is beyond you.

You can't even dare question 25 crore Ps even on Twitter by name or your gods in Delhi will fry you.
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