Okay everyone this is the thread of my mother’s empanada recipe. Here is what I’m using to make 60 ground beef empanadas
-6 Spanish/yellow onions
-3 red bell peppers
-6 hard boiled eggs
- 3 lbs of ground beef
- olives
- salt, pepper, cumin (idk the measurements sorry)
Right now we are dicing the onions and red pepper
Okay everything is now chopped and ready to go. I put a generous amount of olive oil and throw the onions in first.
Gonna cook the onions in the pan till they are nice and clear
Once the onion is cooked enough throw in the red bell pepper.
Now add the ground beef after letting the red pepper cook with the onions for a bit and mix them all together
Now here comes a part when I’m not helpful because my mom never gave me measurements and was just like “taste and smell it”. So I put a GENEROUS amount of ground cumin. A bit of salt nothing crazy. And some pepper. IM SORRY IDK THE MEASUREMENTS.
After the meat is brown and cooked through you can add the olives, hard boiled egg, and if you want raisins (🤮 but my mom does and so do many other people). My roommate doesn’t like eggs so unfortunately mine won’t have any.
So funny enough I suck at folding empanadas and my roommate is much better at it. So I took a video of him doing it. Dip your fingers in water and wet the edges of the dough. Fill up the empanada and then shut it tight. Then fold.
Next with a fork puncture it with a fork at the top so they don’t blow up in the oven. Then followed with an egg wash. After that they are ready for the oven!
Throw them in the oven at 325 F. Check on them in 25 minutes.
And tadaaaa! With my oven it took about 30 minutes. Nice and golden and ready to be eaten! Now this is the way my family makes them. There are SO many different ways to make them. I hope this was useful!
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