What’s the meaning of ”black sky”? Did Flynn really say that three times, out of the blue, in his interview with agents? https://twitter.com/JosephJFlynn1/status/1257685349993721856
Flynn was a DIA guy, DIA covers signals intelligence

And this is MASINT

its about electronic and satellite tracking of communications, from vast vast distances, and deception
It’s about “eyes in the sky”, spy satellites

so does the term “Black sky” have any particular meaning?

what would it mean to Gen Flynn?

what was he saying?
I don’t know. Maybe black sky was a metaphor for entering a dark period or a storm.

but Black Sky could have another meaning, one I am sure Gen Flynn had heard of
Black Sky is an AI system for analyzing SIGNIT and MASINT from all sources
Black Sky takes all the data transmitted from everything below and makes sense of it

-this is a gps signal from a ship that originated from X going to Y to offload Z being picked up by A
Black Sky pulls data from 25 satellites, over 40,000 news sources, 100 million mobile devices, 70,000 ships and planes, 8 social networks, 5000 environmental sensors, etc and analyzes it

from an image
It’s used a lot to monitor Iran...
I can’t link my screen shots anymore
Black Sky is a contractor. The kind spooks use. It hoovers up data. And the contract started in 2016
Black Sky is real, they’re a contractor, they Hoover data, and Flynn would most definitely know about them
They have their own satellites now
They’re NOT supposed to spy on Americans
If American spy satellites were used to collect data on Americans, that’s a huge legal problem
There’s an EO that says American spy satellites can’t be used to spy on Americans
But nothing prevents a private contractor like Black Sky from spying on whoever or whatever they want

i would imagine a corrupt IC would use such a contractor to circumvent prohibitions against spying on their own citizens
So what did Flynn mean when he spoke of a beautiful Black Sky?

i do not know

maybe it was a metaphor.

maybe he misspoke

or maybe he was referring to the contractor he thought the Obama administration used to spy on him when he called Kislyak
Lovinger was harrassed and fired when he expressed his concerns about contractors being allowed to use databases and spy on Americans

looking at you Black Sky...do you have a story to tell?
100 million mobile devices.... https://twitter.com/ThunderB/status/1258002329015631872?s=20
You can’t leak a call like Kislyaks without committing a felony

what if you got it from a private contractor and unmasked everything?
one more thought.

thus far we’ve had to rely on the word of discredited FBI agents as to what was said in that interview on 24 Jan 2017.

what if it was recorded
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