9:32 am - myself + other journalists here are being harassed for wearing masks.

One man says: “It’s submission, it’s muzzling yourself, it looks weak - especially for men.”

We’re being accused of fear-mongering, not knowing anything + being “pieces of shit.”


One harassing man just asked me a series of questions + I refused to engage.

He turns to a middle-aged male journalist next to me + says “I’m sure you know, but I doubt she does.”

“What are you, 2-3 years out of college? What business do you have writing the news?”

I’m on my phone to talk with editors and this guy and a woman says “oh, she’s probably googling (what we asked her).”

“Are you phoning a friend BrieAnna?”

“You’re on the wrong side of history.”

“You’re on the wrong side of patriotism - you’re like communists,” says a group of @realDonaldTrump supporters toward myself and other journalists here.

Here’s more video from the interactions between @realDonaldTrump supporters and media here outside of @Honeywell_Aero in Phoenix.

Journalists are being accused of leading the country into socialism and facism. We’re asked why we’re not looking into Iraq/Venezuela.
Jake Angeli, 32, sporting horns and body paint, yells his thanks to President @realDonaldTrump and Q.

The latter is presumably a reference to QAnon, a controversial far-right group.

Here’s part of my interview with Jake Angeli, the 32-year old man I previously posted about, who thanked the president @realDonaldTrump and Q.

He applauded the work of the president and criticized that of the press.

It’s 12:19 pm. I’ve heard Air Force One has landed.

Dozens of folks in #MAGA gear and other apparel in support of the Pres. @realDonaldTrump are lined up in the hopes of seeing the president as he enters @Honeywell_Aero.

Some more quotes from those harassing @jamielanderstv and I:

“I feel bad because they’re young and they’re going to hurt their bodies (by wearing masks).”

“If you keep breathing in your carbon dioxide when do you allow oxygen to come into your brains?”

You can follow @brieannafrank.
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