The way you can tell we have no national pandemic strategy is that our actions are not tied to how the pandemic is going.

Imagine a government forcing evacuees back to their homes while the flood was still rising so disaster insurance wouldn’t have to pay out. Same thing.
The difference being, of course, that in the flood example, forcing the people back wouldn’t make the flood spread much further for much longer and submerge every hospital.

So this is actually worse.
This isn't resignation. It's deliberation.

Deliberation, to let people die rather than take needed changes to let them live, because they represent the people who are capable of paying for the remedy, not the people they know will die.

It's deliberate.
What we're seeing is a coverup for genocide ahead of the fact. They know who will die—and they know it won't be them.

They know who this country has been optimized to kill.

Later they'll say it couldn't have been prevented. Inevitable.

It's deliberate.
They know. And we know. And they know we know But still they're saying the opposite is true. And then they're opening up as all evidence shows the pandemic *increases*

It's not a pandemic response.

It's pandemic utilization.

It's deliberate.
It's a coverup, as we watch, for mass murder.

Later they'll say things detected couldn't have been detected, tragedy that were predicted couldn't have been predicted, deaths that could have been prevented were unpreventable.

It's deliberate.
It's not a pandemic response. It's pandemic utilization. It's not a pandemic management. It's blame management.

It's a cover up for what they intend to do.

It's deliberate.

If they don't intend to do it, why are saying they do?

If it's not deliberate, why are they doing it?
The virus isn't gone, but Trump sows confusion by insisting it will. Leaves responsible decisions up to the governors, then makes their jobs impossible by encouraging white supremacists groups to protest those responsible decisions, and others to follow suit.

It's deliberate.
The virus isn't gone, but Trump sows confusion by acting as if it will go. Leaves responsible decisions up to the governors, then makes their jobs impossible by intercepting their supplies and refusing to institute a coordinated national response.

It's deliberate.
Once they've managed blame so they're held blameless—they hope—then we'll collectively mourn, and call the dead "heroes," and—they hope—try to move on without thinking about why they died, and what steps were taken to make it inevitable.

Never forget.
A few years ago I wrote a blog post about my conclusion following 2016 that we are a country optimized for genocide

This thread drew from it

Part of the optimization is a belief that if they enact genocide, enough people will cheer or at least look away.
And indeed today we can see the people who are enthusiastic enough about it to not only cheer for it, but protest for it—many of them not because they don't understand what it is, but because they do.

Not because they're confused, but because they're eager.
The Trump administration encouraged these ghouls, who they already knew are eager for a coming day of death.

They're counting on you and me to look away, to choose a comfortable ignorance about what is obviously being done.


Don't look away.

Never forget.
It's deliberate.
It's deliberate.
It’s deliberate.
It's not a pandemic response.

It's pandemic utilization.

It's deliberate.

They're doing it as we watch.
It is deliberate.
You can follow @JuliusGoat.
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