It's really fucking wack that people think "the fbi has people pretend to be super radical" is a good model of state repression & destruction of revolutionary movements. Like...sure they do...they also have people do other things. It's also not up to just the fucking fbi.
The feds also have people join groups to push them *away* from radical action but of course that's not super useful as a rhetorical bludgeon against black people so let's just leave that part out
The state attempts to create the whole *playing field* on which we have our little spats lol like this is not a joke to them. They try to decide what questions are even asked then push towards one answer or another depending on what's most useful to them at the moment.
At some moments the political police may decide it's better to push towards something, at another moment they may pull back from it. They definitely try to take advantage of divisions but THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE DIVISIONS ARE UNWARRANTED OR FALSE "UNITY" IS THE SOLUTION.
When are we going to talk about "civil society" itself being a coutnerinsurgency formation? Especially given chattel you realize plantation societies were fucking armed camps that had to get more & more armed bc enslaved ppl always struggled & crackers were paranoid?
Like all this stuff with white ppl now being like "you will not replace us"...slaveowners looked around & saw niggas everywhere they truly believed they were an embattled minority & would flip out & execute a few dozen slaves over fucking anything bc they feared insurrection.
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