4) Were Trump et al to somehow lose the election, they would reject the results because of No. 1
5) Therefore, regardless of what happens the day after election day (Nov4) there will be a disputed election result. This is the only possible scenario for the day after election IMO
6) Institutional mechanisms and Democratic leadership have failed to inflict meaningful consequences against Trump. Either because they are unable to or unwilling to. They will not save us from Trump on Nov4. There will be an effort to convince us the situation is under control.
7) In light of the facts laid out in the above six points, I am proposing that all organizations that are against Trump and for his removal from office begin planning for mass, sustained protests starting Nov4 and continuing until over.

PS: Obviously if Trump cuts some sort of deal to not get prosecuted or otherwise get rewarded for stepping down, all of this goes out the window.
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