Contact Tracing:

- You trace down all the people that Person 1 came into contact. Tell them to stay home 14 days.

- On day 17 you learn that some of the people who were home for 14 days, came in contact with infected Person 2 on Day 15 so all those people need to go back home.
- You take a Covid test and you see you don’t have it. Yay! You stay put as much possible but a week later you feel ill. Ok. Take another test now? Dunno.

-Alternatively, you take an antibodies test and you don’t have antibodies. Ok. What’s the next step? Stay home for 5 months?
Seems to me (see above two tweets) that those testings and especially Contact Tracing are perhaps good in sparsely populated areas; early on in an outbreak when you have a vaccine against it. Other than that you are wasting time/money and people’s nerves because there is no end.
The fine print of “we need just 14 days to flatten the curve” means 15 days decline in new hospitalizations; fewer than 5 deaths per day per made up regions; 30% of ICU beds avail (so why did you send away USS comfort?); 3% of the population tested per month, and contact tracing.
Does Cuomo plan to set up roadblocks per region to assure that everyone stays there? Otherwise, I am not sure why splitting opening plans per region make much sense. But what do I know. I don’t have charts so it does not really count what I say even if it makes sense. Right?
A body shop owner in his 60s is away from work for weeks. He wrote me a few nights ago, “I had an upper respiratory infection that really knocked me out. I even got tested 2x for for Corona, luckily both times negative.”

There is no vaccine yet.


What’s the plan here?
The above article, if true, shows that it is impossible to have a credible tracing program in large cities deep into an outbreak. I mean, look what ONE club goer created. Multiply that in the tens of thousands per day in NYC.
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