1)On April 25,2003 “The U.S. Center for Disease Control broke the law “by filing a patent for Coronavirus. The patent was titled “Coronavirus isolated from humans.” Under section 101 of 35 U.S. code, the patenting of a substance of nature is illegal. Cont.
2)”This was confirmed in a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2013, in a ruling against Myriad Genetics...the method of detecting sars virus & a kit for detection was granted in the patent as well, with no limitations.” Cont.
3)...”CDC & the National Institute of Allergies & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Anthony Fauci, entered into trade among states, including a corporation called Ecohealth Alliance Inc., & with foreign nations, specifically the Wuhan Institute of Virology....
4)...”& the Chinese Academy of Sciences, through a 2014 National Institute of Health Government grant, to exploit their patent rights. This was in direct violation of the Sherman Act.” Cont.
5)”The CDC & the NIAID, also entered into a commercial agreement with the University of North Carolina,Chapel Hill, with Dr. Ralph Baric, & Dr. Zheng-Li Shi, the head of the research component project, that included the Wuhan Institute of Virology...
6)...”& the Natural National Science Foundation of China. Gain of function studies were done, which is research into “improving the ability of a pathogen to cause disease.” On Oct.17, 2014, the National Institute of Health determined...
7)...”this work was not sufficiently vetted for biosecurity & safety standards.”This was determined after the Supreme Court ruling in 2013, making the patent illegal. Cont.
8)”In Jan. 2018, the U.S. Embassy sent 2 individuals to the Wuhan Institute of Virology & they determined a number of individuals & lab procedures, were not in compliance with safe operating procedures for the level of severity of the biohazards in that laboratory.” Cont.
9)”There was a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians & investigators needed to safety operate this high containment Laboratory. In June, 2019, the CDC conducted an inspection of Ft. Detrick’s U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases....
10)...”and ordered it closed, because of the same violations.” The CDC selectively & inconsistently chose one lab to stay open and one to close, due to similar violations. The CDC also had a financial interest in Wuhan Lab, to continue. Cont.
11)”CDC reported the first Covid case in Jan. 2020. By the end of Jan. to Feb. 2, there were 650 clinical cases & reported 210 tests performed. So, if the test, which was not approved yet by the FDA until Feb. 4, how was it that in late January, the CDC conducted 210 tests? Cont.
12)”One can only conclude that the CDC had the mechanism & the wherewithall, to conduct tests to confirm the existence of Covid-19; or did not have the mechanism & falsely reported the number. Cont.
13)”The world didn’t have the test kits because from 2003 till today, the CDC held, maintained & controlled an illegal patent on both the virus & on the test, in violation of the Sherman Act & the Clayton Act. Cont.
14)”On March 12, 2020, in an effort to enrich their own foundations economic interests, by way of securing additional funding from both Federal & Foundations, the CDC & NIAID, Dr. Fauci elected to suspend testing as a requirement to classify a patient with Covid 19. Cont.
15)”As there was a drop in reported cases, the liberalization of what constituted a suspected case of Covid 19, needed to be created, to incite fear & to prop up the fear of a pandemic. Cont.
16)”The CDC participated in exhibiting properties of virulence that included the Ace2 receptor & other spike protein properties, in a separate patent, dated Nov. 17, 2009, issued to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill’s own Dr. Ralph Baric. Cont.
17)”On Feb. 7, 2014, the CDC renewed the illegal patent from 2003, that was declared illegal by the Supreme Court in 2013. The CDC violated the U.S.Constitution by using public funds, in spite of a Supreme Court ruling, the patent was illegal. Cont.
18)”On March 4, 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom, based a State of Emergency on the “threat” of Covid 19. At that time California did not have sufficient data to suggest that the pandemic was even imminent, & the rest of the U.S. was incapable of making any such assessment...
19)...”because of the actions of the conspiring parties. In no study has it ever been concluded, that quarantining an entire healthy population, has any merit in science. Gov. Newsom, followed by another 42 Governors, decided unilaterally to take propaganda rather than science...
20)...”and turn around it into public policy. This directly violates the Constitutional protections of the United States. Dr. Fauci is on the board of the Bill & Melinda Gates Global vaccination action plan, at the same time he is associated with the NIAID. Cont.
21)”Leah Devlin, who is on the CDC Foundation Board, is also on the faculty of U. Of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. The Patriot Act was renewed by Congress, until March 15,2020. The Patriot Act expands the definition of terrorism to cover domestic terrorism. Cont.
22)”One is in violation of The Patriot Act if : “an act appears to be intended to 1) intimidate or coerce a civilian population, 2) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion. It means all of Dr. Fauci’s nonsense, all the CDC behavior, all of this crap...
23)...”we’ve been going through, with respect to the lockdowns & the suspension of civil liberties, was in fact, going on prior to the Patriot Act expiring. Therefore, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, & co-conspiring Governors, have in fact, violated the Patriot Act...
24)...”Anyone who instituted a lockdown order based on false, subjective, inconclusive determinations, violates the Patriot Act. Cont.
25) Conclusion: The CDC colluded for 17 years, restricted the ability of anyone to get conclusive data on the presence & prevalence of Covid 19. Up to 96 % of people testing positive for Covid 19, have no symptoms whatsoever. Cont.
26)”This is a criminal conspiracy.” -David Martin World.4/28/20. / Done
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