Pictures of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the "Lion of Panjshir", the legendary anti-Soviet and anti-Taliban commander.

Very aesthetic man.
Ahmad Shah Massoud speaking French. He studied at Kabul´s French Lycee.
More pics, including one with his son @AhmadMassoudoff
Chilling with friends. I love this pic.
Massoud l'afghan - Extrait « le poème »

Massoud reciting a poem in Farsi.
Picture of Massoud entering Kabul with his troops in 1992. The man on the left is an Iranian photographer, Reza Deghati, who spent several years in Afghanistan with Massoud.
Massoud playing football.
Massoud always reminds me of Abu Muslim Khorasani.
Massoud l'afghan

This is a French documentary about Massoud from 1999. I still remember the first time I watched it on the channel "Arte" with my parents and how proud I was of Massoud. Excellent documentary. Farsi/French.
Very interesting video of a Russian soldier who left the Red Army and joined Massoud´s forces. He speaks Farsi very well.

@AmrullahSaleh2 can be seen too:
Always on the frontline.
Another picture of Ahmad Shah Massoud and his troops marching upon Kabul after the collapse of Najeeb´s Communist regime in 1992.
Ahmad Shah Massoud: "The Man Who Won The Cold War".
Picture of Ahmad Massoud, Ahmad Shah Massoud´s son, in Shomali Plain, northern Kabul.
Interesting thread on Massoud and why most of Arabs in Afghanistan hated him:
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