Soviet historian Yuri Ivanov noted in Caution: Zionism! (1970) that historically Jews (going back to the Babylonian Jews under the rule of Cyrus) had little interest in returning to Palestine. Zionism required anti-Semitism in order to have a purpose.
Ivanov quotes Henry Morgenthau: "From August 1942 on, we in Washington knew that the Nazis were planning the complete extermination of the Jews in Europe. For one and a half years after the barbarous plan had become known, the State Department did practically nothing at all."
In 1944 the Hungarian Zionist organization played a critical part in delivering 10,000 trucks to the Eastern Front for the Nazis.
With the defeat of the Nazis, the Zionists positioned themselves as eager proxies for US imperialism, thus giving a reason for the postwar purge of communists from US Jewish organizations.
"The decisive factors for getting this mass of people into Palestine were British colonialism and later US neo-colonialism each of which accordingly made use of the anti-Semitism of the 1900–1920 counter-revolution in Europe, fascism and the devastation wrought by the war."
It therefore does not seem inaccurate to say that the Holocaust was viewed by imperialists as a "necessary evil" for the colonization of Palestine and the Levant, who attempted to conceal their role in carrying this out by declaring war on their Nazi proxies.
The support of the imperialists in the UK and US for the Nazi project, then, served two purposes:
1) It sought to destroy Soviet power and allow for the colonization of Eastern Europe.
2) It provided ample "justification" for the colonization of Palestine and the Levant.
No surprise at all the Nazis cribbed heavily from the US colonial playbook. Hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B) was first used as a pesticide in 1880s California, while the first gas chamber was built in Nevada in 1924.
From another useful thread, some of the data shared by American eugenicists with their Nazi counterparts:
"The Germans claimed that their 1933 sterilization law was influenced by the American precedent, and indeed their initial program was closely modeled after Harry Laughlin’s work."

3 years later Laughlin received an honorary degree from U. of Heidelberg.
At a meeting of Nazi lawyers on June 4, 1934, the transcript shows the lawyers were quite familiar with American "Jim Crow" laws. James Whitman quotes from this transcript in "Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law."
He goes on to provide a summary of the work of Heinrich Krieger, "a young Nazi lawyer who had just returned to Germany from Arkansas, where he spent two semesters as an exchange student at the University of Arkansas Law School in 1933–34."
"Krieger’s heroes were Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln."

Whitman then notes that "Race Law in the United States" included Lincoln's pre-war statements on the necessity of resettlement, which precisely matched the policy of expulsion stated in the Nuremberg Laws.
Since it wasn't mentioned explicitly in the other threads I linked in, here's a quick primer on the Dulles brothers. Allen Dulles' assets "included his old friend Thomas McKittrick, the American president of the Bank for International Settlements in Basel"
Hugo Turner has a very detailed article on the Dulles brothers on his blog:
The present conditions in the US, and every part of the world it touches with its mailed fist, are related to these fascist designs going back many decades. Despite changes over the years the general sketch remains visible.
For example: eugenics papers published in a "reputable" US scientific journal, in 2019.
Or in Canada:
This is just what's visible at the surface.
In 1939 the German-American Bund held a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden, which was protected by the NYPD. Smithsonian Magazine's concluding remarks on it downplay it as "taboo" during the war. But what happened with the 20,000 attendees? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
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