1) Gather round family...uncle Bill (my name) has a story to tell you. Pour you a cup of tea, toke some cannabis, and relax...(fade out)...haha!

The American tobacco industry. Sure, they took a hit for admitting they were PURPOSELY jacking up the nicotine content for profit.
2) But what the hell! This is America! Make that F***ING MONEY! As the industry researched ways to make their products more and more addictive it posits this question: Just for profits?

What if the motivation was more nefarious than just "making it rain Benjamins?"
3) In my lifetime so far (I'm 49) through my research, travels, evidence, and experience I've come to the following conclusion about the Tobacco Industry:

Big Tobacco was the ORIGINAL EUGENICS PLAN to depopulate the global population! But it wasn't killing enough people fast..
4) ..enough for their masters! They decided to attack our DNA so they began genetically engineering our food supply. Putting the HORRIBLE chemical fluoride in our water, toothpaste, etc. Chemtrails began after WW2 in which they dumped metal nano particles on our heads (see below)
5) Suffice it to say that the new plan became huge and covered EVERY facet of life on Earth.

Back to tobacco. What we buy as Marlboros, Newports, and all name brands and many off brands is LITERALLY a mixture of chemicals. THERE IS ZERO TOBACCO in virtually all smoking tobacco!
6) Imagine a brown sheet of paper made from over 200 chemicals, similar to the way paper is produced in a mill. Or the way large paper rolls are made in a felt mill (I've worked in one). After the finished sheet is ready...it's ran through a shredder like an office shredder.
7) It's then packaged up where I'm sure they add more bullshit to it. Then sell it to us as "tobacco" and you KNOW they know how POISONOUS It is...but HEY! GOTTA MAKE THAT BANK!

Millions die because of your product? Virus: Ah FUCK 'EM! Everybody gotta die someday.

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