*MAJOR BREAKING NEWS*: Bombshell Roger Stone Document Release Confirms the Israeli Government Collusion With the 2016 Trump Campaign Described in Detail in Proof of Conspiracy; Netanyahu Intermediary Sought to Use Intelligence to Deliver Election for Trump https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/28/roger-stone-search-warrants-assange-219908
2/ I'm going to be making some references in this thread to the New York Times bestseller PROOF OF CONSPIRACY, which details the pre-election Trump-Israeli collusion now confirmed by the new documents in the Roger Stone case, so here's a link to the book: https://www.amazon.com/Proof-Conspiracy-International-Collusion-Threatening/dp/1250256712
3/ Proof of Conspiracy details significant contacts between three Israeli government-connected individuals and the 2016 Trump campaign (most notably Stone's friend and business associate Paul Manafort and Manafort's deputy Rick Gates): Joel Zamel, George Birnbaum, and Ron Dermer.
4/ A fourth individual—Eli Groner—was from Benjamin Netanyahu's office itself. (And of course Netanyahu himself had contacts with Trump during the general election campaign, and so should be regarded as a *fifth* Israeli figure in Proof of Conspiracy and this collusion scandal.)
5/ George Birnbaum was for years a top adviser to Netanyahu. He directed Trump's campaign to work with Israeli government-linked business intelligence expert Joel Zamel on an illegal intelligence plot to aid Trump's campaign that Zamel later confirmed he'd executed pre-election.
6/ Ron Dermer was the Israeli ambassador to the United States in 2016—and he repeatedly breached diplomatic convention by acting as a close adviser to the Trump campaign pre-election. Netanyahu himself was friends with Fred Trump—and the Netanyahus are very close to the Kushners.
7/ Eli Groner worked in Netanyahu's office—and befriended George Papadopoulos *right* as Papadopoulos made his first (unsuccessful) attempt to get on Trump's campaign in mid-2015. This is one reason—of *many*—the FBI initially planned to arrest Papadopoulos as an *Israeli* spy.
8/ There are other Israelis involved—this is why Proof of Conspiracy is 600 pages and has 4,330 citations. For instance Shai Arbel—another Israeli business intelligence expert—is key, as is Charles Tawil, who even *Papadopoulos* (who met with him) alleges is a likely Israeli spy.
9/ *Many* of these Israelis are tied to—no surprise—*Michael Flynn*, Trump's top NatSec adviser during the 2016 general election (but a man deliberately *never named to Trump's national security advisory committee*, so little attention would be paid to him and what he was doing).
10/ Flynn appears to show up in the Stone documents, referenced as "the Lieutenant General." This would fit with the Israeli plot the documents describe: Israelis working with an unnamed Turkish source connected to Flynn to illegally help Trump win the 2016 presidential election.
11/ As most of you know, Flynn was secretly working for the Turkish government while acting as Trump's top NatSec adviser. One of his Turkish clients? Ekim Alptekin, who has substantial Israeli contacts and is connected to George Papadopoulos. (This all gets fairly confusing.)
12/ Another Flynn associate, the Iranian-American Bijan Kian, was also lobbying for the Turks and is tied (alongside Flynn) to Joel Zamel. The upshot: Flynn was in a cadre of people (that included Rudy Giuliani, by the way) constantly in contact with the Turks *and* the Israelis.
13/ What we learn about in these new docs—the best parts of which are redacted, as U.S. intelligence is (for reasons that are unclear) committed to having the only place you can read about all this be in books like Proof of Conspiracy—is a complex Trump-Israeli pre-election plot.
14/ The first thing you have to know is that the Mueller report and Stone trial together established that Trump was regularly in contact with Stone during the election and lied in his written answers to Mueller when he said he remembered *none* of his conversations with Stone.
15/ This is key because Stone himself—in getting "fired" from Trump's campaign right when Flynn came aboard it—claimed that he had left the campaign voluntarily because there were things he could do outside the campaign that he couldn't do inside of it. We now know some of them.
16/ I'll add here that Rudy Giuliani said *almost exactly the same thing* when he took himself out of the running for being in Trump's administration—and we now know that, just like Stone, he had *many* plans for how he could help Trump in clandestine ways outside the spotlight.
17/ In any case, the documents establish that someone closely connected to the Israeli prime minister—a person who appears to reside in Jerusalem—wanted to meet directly with Trump to discuss "intel" that'd be passed to the Trump campaign in October 2016 to help him win election.
18/ The Israelis were in charge of the scheme, though the intel was apparently going to move through Turkish sources also—which tracks with Flynn and Giuliani both being Turkish agents and Trump having major business interests in Turkey he himself called "a conflict of interest."
19/ Ekim Alptekin is very close to Erdogan (Turkey's president), as is Trump. Note that Erdogan and Netanyahu had *every bit as much* reason to secretly support Trump's candidacy as Putin, and Trump has been *every bit as solicitous* of both men since he was elected US president.
20/ U.S. intelligence has done all it can to hide this Trump-Stone-Israeli plot via redactions. But *even its many redactions* leave a clear narrative: Stone, *in consultation with Trump*, was arranging meetings with foreigners promising to give Trump illegal election assistance.
21/ Everyone always thought it'd be a smoking gun if Trump knew of the June '16 meeting his son had with Kremlin agents in Trump's home (Trump Tower). (Of course he did know—and Michael Cohen confirms it—but somehow the allegation never stuck.) This creates an identical scenario.
22/ But this is *significantly* more problematic than the June 2016 meeting, because a) it involves Trump himself, b) it involves the Israeli prime minister himself, and c) it involves intelligence *clearly* being promised by foreigners as an "October Surprise" to help Trump win.
23/ More than this—and even this *alone* would be enough to make this the biggest smoking gun released regarding pre-election Trump collusion—is that whereas those Don Jr. met with in June 2016 were only tangentially tied to Putin, we *know* the full web of ugly connections here.
24/ I wrote a *tome* filled with thousands of major-media citations *establishing* Turkish infiltration of the Trump campaign and an Israeli plot to use intel activities to illegally aid the 2016 Trump campaign. In other words this new info fits with *everything* we already know.
25/ Trump colluded with the Israelis and knew he was doing it. It seems certain now, too, that he knew Flynn and Giuliani were working for Trump's "friend" Erdogan—and that this is a reason why Trump had no issue with Flynn despite Flynn's "betrayal." Trump knew Flynn was bought.
26/ In other words, Trump was knowingly seeking and receiving illegal election aid from the Israelis and Turks before the 2016 election—in addition to the Russians, Saudis, and Emiratis—and *repeatedly* brought foreign agents into his campaign that he *knew* to be foreign agents.
27/ Moreover, Donald Trump exhibited a *pattern* of using people not formally part of his campaign—Stone, Flynn, and Giuliani, along with foreign advisers Dermer, al-Otaiba, Simes, Zamel, and others—to facilitate the exchange of *measurably valuable* illegal election assistance.
28/ I've *no idea* why we *still* don't have a report from U.S. intelligence on all this—why it's leaking out a drip at a time instead, to be collected in books like Proof of Conspiracy rather than in a public exposé of everything Trump did with foreign nationals to get elected.
29/ I find myself speechless—as this is all in my book, and everything that's shocking media tonight is... again, in the book. Ask anyone who's read it—they'll confirm I'm not blowing smoke. Proof of Conspiracy outlines what really happened pre-election—using major-media sources.
30/ I guess I'll stop here, because I literally wrote the book on this, it's readily available, and it's not even expensive ($15).

So if you want to know what we already know—which is basically *everything* about a pre-election collusion plot—here you go: https://www.amazon.com/Proof-Conspiracy-International-Collusion-Threatening/dp/1250256712
PS/ Perhaps the most fascinating thing to me is that whoever Stone's intermediary to Netanyahu was, the documents indicate it was someone a) Israeli, and b) *closer to Flynn than Stone*—which seems to point toward the redacted name being Zamel (though we can't know for sure yet).
PS2/ Note that Zamel's attorney (you won't believe this) *is an attorney for the Trump family*, and Zamel's attorney's *father* is a former law partner of... Rudy Giuliani. You can't make this stuff up. But also: this is the M.O. of conspirators (keep it tight and share lawyers).
PS3/ I've worked thousands of criminal cases as an attorney and investigator, and I'll say now what I've said all along: historians will call this simultaneously the most complex and *obvious* criminal plot ever to *not* be "solved" for years... without explanation for the delay.
PS4/ It really doesn't matter to me—*at all*—what anyone thinks. I'm trained in this; I have experience in this; I've written two New York Times bestsellers on this, with thousands of major-media sources. It *will* be regarded in history as a fact: the 2016 election was *stolen*.
PS5/ I still remember when I wrote PROOF OF COLLUSION (my earlier, *2018* book) and someone who read the ms. asked, "Why is this stuff about Giuliani having foreknowledge of an 'October Surprise' in here?" And I said, "You'll see." Well, read the Stone documents and *you'll* see.
PS6/ The Stone filing makes clear that the "October Surprise" had to do with Clinton's emails. And what did Giuliani—who has massive Israeli government ties—say the "October Surprise" he knew about related to? You guessed it: Hillary's emails. Joel Zamel is *the* key figure here.
PS7/ Again, I don't ask *anyone* to just take my word for it that PROOF OF CONSPIRACY—my 2019 book—covers all the background on all of this. What I suggest is finding someone you trust who's read the book—many have—and ask them if indeed it's been months ahead of "breaking news."
PS8/ I hope you'll RETWEET the first tweet in this thread, as *everyone* needs to see that—as the journalists working this story have always said—the investigation of what happened in 2016 *continues* and *will* continue until the whole picture is public. Today's a big step. /end
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