Why the lack of GOP outrage over COVID deaths?

It's their worldview.

They care about deaths when they can identify & blame a perpetrator, like immigrants, Muslims, Asians.

But, when death is the result of disease, poverty, inequality...they say, not my fault.

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That's because those kinds of deaths are preventable through social welfare programs & the gov't taking affirmative steps to deal with them. It takes a caring society to fight those deaths.

And the GOP is not about that.
They'd rather indulge in revenge fantasies, calls for punitive policies like the death penalty, mass incarceration, deportation, etc. They crave violent retribution. Their response as a whole is violent in nature.
COVID deaths, on the other hand, that take place quietly in hospitals? There's no adrenaline rush in getting outraged about that.

And you can't take an AR-15 and shoot up a virus. Confronting the virus means patience, doing nothing, being quiet and calm.
And they can't stand it because it's boring and decidedly non-violent. So they dress up in army gear,, grab their AR-15 and engage in toxic masculine displays of macho false bravado, protesting scientific based (boring) measures aimed at addressing a pandemic.
Maybe that's the difference between liberals and MAGA. Liberals are about doing the boring, hard work to care for everyone in society, especially those who are systemically marginalized.
MAGA are about stockpiling firearms and discovering and engaging in diverse ways to punish scapegoats and stoke their paranoid imagination and their belief in a dark and scary world where evil brown people lurk at every corner.

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