Signs aren't as important as you think they are, and let me tell you why. [ THREAD ]
I think a lot of people coming into Astrology think that the signs are the main component of Astrology, since zodiac signs are kind of mainstream and form the basis of knowledge for entry to Astrology. However, signs are practically insignificant in chart delineation.
As Astrologers, it’s important to remember we are studying the stars/planets. Even in the definition of Astrology: planets are at the center of the study, and its important to keep this in mind when delineating charts or even in your Astrological study.
Furthermore, it is the planets that gave meaning to the houses AND signs themselves. Without the influence of planets, I doubt these sign and house significations would be what they are. Just take a look at the planetary joys and rulership schemes.
With that being said, lets review what a sign is in Astrology. Signs can be looked at as “adjectives” to describe what the planets are doing. Or they can be descriptive of the type of environment this planet is in. Is it unpleasant? Is it fast paced? Etc, etc
With this being said, delineating a sign on its own is kind of pointless, because it essentially just you saying “This is the environment”. However, if you add planets into the mix, things get interesting.
We don't necessarily interpret a planet in a sign as acting this way. For example, Mercury in Pisces is probably really quite (very surface level delineation, JUST AN EXAMPLE, DONT DRAG ME), and while this is one psychological way you can interpret a planet…
A planet has an agenda for what it wants to do. Mercury wants to talk, Venus wants to bring things together, Mars wants to separate, Jupiter wants to expand, Saturn wants to contract. Depending on the sign these planets are in will describe how well a planet can do what it wants
This is important when delineating planets in signs: its interpreting how well can this planet function in the environment its in? Mercury in Pisces has a really hard time doing what it wants to do, because it is in a sign antithetical to its nature.
However Mercury in Virgo can do everything it wants to do with ease because it’s at home, because Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Planets rule signs, as we know, so sometimes, the nature of that planet can be antithetical to the sign its in because…
that sign is ruled by a planet that does the opposite of what that sign does. Example, Mars rules Scorpio, and Venus rules Taurus. These planets are in opposition to each other, but what if we reverse them? Each planet has a hard time completing their agenda.
Mars wants to separate and sever, while Venus want to bring together and is about unison. Having Mars in a Venus ruled sign is trying to cut off a limb but it keeps growing back. Or Venus in Scorpio is trying to make peace by running into the middle of a war zone.
The planets aren’t in the right environment, so its hard for them to do what they want. This is why signs aren’t as important as you think they are, because they purely describe what the PLANET is doing.

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