1. The Borat Trafficking Psych Op

This thread explores how the Hollywood movie Borat ties in with Wuhan, China trafficking routes, COVID infection hot spots and the planned weakening of America if HRC had won the election. Enjoy the show.
2. The Kazakhstan Deception

The movie Borat was a psych op KNOWINGLY designed by Hollywood to make you THINK that nation was a bunch of goat farmers. Let's dig on why Hollywood and SBC would want you to ignore Kazakhstan. Look here not there as Q would say.
3. The Kazakhstan Reality

The capitol was Astana (anagram for Satana). It was renamed Nur-Sultan in 2019. Why? Astana was a master planned community designed from the ground up to be the location of [their] New World Order Capitol after HRC weakened America.
4. World Expo 2017

They never thought [she] would lose. In 2017, Astana hosted all [their] friends in one place. You probably didn't know that the US government and China were best buddies at the "Infinite Energy" Pavilion. [BIG ENERGY] built Astana as [their] capitol.
5. Why Kazakhstan?

Why would [they] want to relocate the NWO capitol to Kazakhstan? Let's look into the New Silk Road. The world's largest trafficking route. It passes directly through Astana. Plus Astana is centrally located like the capitol in the movie Hunger Games.
6. The New Silk Road

The easiest place for [them] to find millions of undocumented children is the interior of China. The New Silk Road starts near Wuhan & goes through Astana. The old LAND route goes through Tehran. The SEA route goes through the Suez into Venice.
7. Wuhan. 1 if by Land. 2 if by Sea.

Wuhan is the most inland major city in China that allows giant container ships to sail to anywhere in the world with [their] "cargo". It is the perfect location for land or sea transportation thanks to the Yangtze River.
8. The 3 Gorges Dam Project

The image on the left is the 3 Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River upstream from Wuhan. The image on the right is from the Hunger Games. Nothing to see here. This dam made it possible for big ships to sail from the open ocean all the way to Wuhan.
9. The Yangtze River

Q mentioned Chongqing. It is directly upriver from Wuhan on the Yangtze and the #12 largest city in the world at 16M. Fertile recruiting ground? #39 Wuhan is the same size as #38 NYC at 9M. Then Shanghai at #3 with 27M. Imagine the supply chain.
10. Covid Hot Spots

Wuhan, Tehran & Venice were the original COVID hot spots. All 3 are on the trafficking routes from Wuhan. And [their] NWO capitol in NYC (UN, FR, CF, WS) helped fund it all. Another hot spot. It almost seems like God Himself has judged these cities.
FYI, Venice is the most northern accessible water port closest to Central Europe. It is more profitable for them to sail as close to inland land masses as possible. Hence Venice. Go look on a map and it makes sense. Far Northern Italy.
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