Things Americans are told about North Korea that actually describe the United States. A Thread:
North Koreans worship their founder, Kim Il-Sung as an eternal god-like figure
North Korean "elections" are a sham where people are only given one choice of who to vote for.
Protest is illegal in North Korea and people who voice dissent are thrown in Gulags
Real food is widely unavailable and people have to survive on items that aren't meant to be eaten.
Being queer is illegal
Political power is reserved for a specific family
Kim Jong-Un overeats unhealthy foods while his people starve
People who are arrested by the police routinely disappear.
The Media is Propaganda
Human Rights Abuses are routine in gulags that imprison innocent people
North Koreans regularly flee the country to avoid the horrors they have to live with
The People who defend North Korea are a brainwashed death-cult
People in prison are forced into slave labor for the state until they die from it
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